2024-05 Adjust API Upgrade
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2024-05 Adjust API Upgrade

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Article summary


The Adjust API sunset on March 27th, 2024, occurred without prior notification. However, Rivery responded by implementing an updated API datasource, making essential user interface changes.

Details of Changes

  • Deprecated the KPI Service and migrated to the Report Service.
  • Updated API authentication from Basic to Bearer Authorization.
  • Changed reports endpoint from CSV KPI to CSV Reports endpoint.
  • Added new metrics and dimensions, deprecated some, and changed the names of existing dimensions.
  • Updated required fields: Dimensions (Grouping), Metrics (KPIs), and App Token are now required.

Cohort Report

Deprecated Configurations

Configuration NameDeprecated FieldsChanged Fields (From → To)New Fields
Dimensions (Grouping)datecampaigns → campaignapp_token
trackeradgroups → adgroup
eventcreatives → creative
countries → country
Configuration NameDeprecated Fields
Metrics (KPIs)conversion_per_active_user

Overview Report

Deprecated Configurations

  • The Dimensions list was updated.
  • Deprecated configurations related to Events Tokens, Events KPIs, and Base Impressions.
Configuration NameDeprecated FieldsChanged Fields (From → To)New Fields
Dimensions (Grouping)datecampaigns → campaignapp_token
trackeradgroups → adgroup
eventcreatives → creative
countries → country

Events Report

  • The Metrics and Dimensions lists were updated.
  • Deprecated configurations related to Events Tokens and Base Impressions.

Deprecated Configurations

Configuration NameDeprecated FieldsChanged Fields (From → To)New Fields
Dimensions (Grouping)datecampaigns → campaignapp_token
trackeradgroups → adgroup
eventcreatives → creative
countries → country
Configuration NameDeprecated Fields
Metrics (KPIs)conversion_per_active_user

SKAdNetwork Report

The Dimensions list was updated.

Deprecated Configurations

Configuration NameDeprecated FieldsChanged Fields (From → To)New Fields
Dimensions (Grouping)networkspartners → partnerapp_token
source_appsapps → app
redownloadcampaigns → campaign
countries → country

What Actions Should You Take?

  • Please redo the mapping process. If the "Upsert-Merge" mode encounters difficulties, switch to the overwrite mode at least once to ensure successful execution, as various changes in metrics and dimensions might cause issues.
  • Currently, "App Token" is considered a dimension. If it's not selected as such, the API won't return data related to "App Token."
  • Many users use the combination of "Date" and "App Token" keys for upsert-merge mode. However, Adjust has removed the "Date" dimension. Therefore, tables using upsert-merge with these keys will need to be overwritten. Adjust only removed "Date" but retained "hour," "day," "week," and "month" dimensions.
  • Double-check the "App Token"s for the Rivers. They might be refreshed by Adjust and require updating.

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