2024-08 Display & Video 360 Upgrade v3
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2024-08 Display & Video 360 Upgrade v3

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Article summary


Rivery’s integration with Display & Video 360 will be updated to reflect the latest changes with version 3 on August 13th.
This upgrade ensures that your reports remain synchronized with the latest data structure and available metrics provided by Display & Video 360.

What Changes Were Made During the Upgrade?

For version 3 of Display & Video 360, the following changes have been implemented:

Removed Fields/Services:

  • The billableOutcome field has been removed from the InsertionOrder resource.
  • The advertisers.manualTriggers service has been removed.
  • The biddingStrategy field has been removed from the YoutubeAndPartnersSettings object.

Resource Name Changes

Previous Resource NameUpdated Resource Name

Please Note:
billingConfig is now a required field in the Advertiser resource creation.

Object Name Changes

Previous Object NameUpdated Object Name

Field Name Changes

Previous Field NameUpdated Field Name

Please Note:
A new boolean enableOptimizedTargeting field has replaced the targetingExpansionLevel field in the TargetingExpansionConfig object.

What Actions Should You Take?

  • If no action is taken, deprecated columns will be retrieved with null values.

  • If you want to remove those columns from the Target table, run the river in Overwrite loading mode.

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