API Reference
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API Reference

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Article summary


This Rivery API Reference Guide provides a complete overview of the API and its capabilities. By using the API, users can automate and streamline their data management processes.


To authenticate API requests, a unique API Token must be included in the header of each request.

The migration of API endpoints from the Legacy API to the new one is currently underway. Before using a specific endpoint, please check if it is available in the new API documentation. If it is not yet available, you can use the endpoint from the Legacy API documentation.

New API Documentation

In this New API documentation, the following API endpoints are outlined:

  • Authorization - Rivery API Token, Scopes.
  • Rivers - List River Versions, Get River Version, Get River, Delete River, List Rivers, Get CDC Config, Set CDC Config, Delete CDC Config, Cancel River Run, Run River, Run Sub River, Get River Variables, Update River Variable.
    • Beta Endpoints - Edit River, Add River, Copy River, Restore River Version, Enable CDC.
  • Activities - Get Activities Statistic, Get River Activities Statistic, Get River Activities Targets, List River Activities Run Groups, List River Activities Run Groups, Get River Activities Run Groups, Get River Activities Sub Rivers, Get River Activities Runs, Get River Activities Run, Get River Activities Run Logic Steps, Get Activities Logic Variables, Get Activities Logic Step Log, Get Activities, Get Run Logs.
  • Connections - Delete Connection.
  • DataFrames - Get Dataframes, Add Dataframe, Get Dataframe by Name, Update Dataframe, Delete Dataframe, Download Dataframe, Clear Dataframe Values.
  • Environments - Get Environment, List Environments.
  • Audit Events- List Audit Events, Get Audit Event.
  • Beta Endpoints - Add Environment, Patch Environment ,Delete Environment.

Legacy API Documentation

In this Legacy API documentation, the following API endpoints are outlined:

  • Data Connectors - Get Datasource List, Get the Datasource List by Segment.
  • Connection - Connection Types and Properties, Connection Management, Connection Key Files, OAuth2 New Credentials Requst, Create a Shareable Connection Link.
  • Rivers Managemnet - Get River, Get Sub Rivers Properties, Execute an Existing River or Sub River, Create New Sub River for River, Get Data From Specific Sub River ID.
  • Run Rivers - Execute an Existing River or Sub River, Check the Execution Status of a River.
  • Results - Create Pull Requests for Results, Get Results ID.

API Rate Limitations

  • 60 active tokens are allowed in each account.
  • The maximum rate for each token is 30 calls per minute.

Rate and token limitations are subject to change without notice, and any changes will be reflected on this page.

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