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Bing Ads Predefined Reports
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Predefined Reports
The Bing Ads datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
Bing Ads has two source-level selections: Accounts and Customers. These options will filter down each report within the river to only the selected data.
Budget Summary
The Budget Summary report can be used to discover how the campaign's budget is performing for the month. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
Date | String | Dimension |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
DailySpend | Float | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
MonthToDateSpend | Float | Metric |
MonthlyBudget | Float | Metric |
User Location Performance
The User Location Performance report can be used to see where the traffic is coming from broken out by the physical location and the location for which people are searching. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
QueryIntentLocationId | Integer | Dimension |
LocationId | Integer | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
City | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerAssist | String | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Country | String | Dimension |
County | String | Dimension |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
MetroArea | String | Dimension |
QueryIntentCity | String | Dimension |
QueryIntentCountry | String | Dimension |
QueryIntentCounty | String | Dimension |
QueryIntentDMA | String | Dimension |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
QueryIntentState | String | Dimension |
Radius | Integer | Metric |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerConversion | Float | Metric |
Spend | Float | Metric |
State | String | Dimension |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
Ad Extension Details
The Ad Extension Details report can be used to compare how well different versions of the ad extensions are performing with each ad. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
AdId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
Goal | String | Dimension |
AdExtensionId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AdGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
AdStatus | String | Dimension |
AdTitle | String | Dimension |
AllConversionRate | String | Dimension |
AllConversions | Integer | Metric |
AllCostPerConversion | String | Dimension |
AllReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
AllRevenue | Float | Metric |
AllRevenuePerConversion | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AdExtensionVersion | Integer | Metric |
AdExtensionTypeId | Integer | Metric |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerAssist | String | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | String | Dimension |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
AdExtensionPropertyValue | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
GoalType | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerConversion | String | Dimension |
Spend | Float | Metric |
AdExtensionType | String | Dimension |
Ad Performance
The Ad Performance report can be used to help determine which ads lead to clicks and conversions, and which are not performing. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
AdId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
AdGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
AdLabels | String | Dimension |
AdStatus | String | Dimension |
AdTitle | String | Dimension |
AdType | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
AdDescription | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerAssist | Float | Metric |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
CustomParameters | String | Dimension |
DestinationUrl | String | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
DisplayUrl | String | Dimension |
FinalAppUrl | String | Dimension |
FinalMobileUrl | String | Dimension |
FinalUrl | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
Path1 | String | Dimension |
Path2 | String | Dimension |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | Float | Metric |
RevenuePerConversion | Float | Metric |
Spend | Float | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
TitlePart1 | String | Dimension |
TitlePart2 | String | Dimension |
TrackingTemplate | String | Dimension |
Conversion Performance
The Conversion Performance report can be used to understand which campaigns and keywords are leading an audience to complete a purchase or other conversion actions. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
KeywordId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
AdGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
Keyword | String | Dimension |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
KeywordStatus | String | Dimension |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | Float | Metric |
RevenuePerConversion | Float | Metric |
Spend | Float | Metric |
CostPerAssist | Float | Metric |
Search Query Performance
The Search Query Performance report can be used to see what the audience is searching for when the ads are shown. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
SearchQuery | String | Dimension |
KeywordId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
AdGroupCriterionId | String | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
AdId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
AdType | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
AdStatus | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
CampaignType | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
AdGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerAssist | String | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
DestinationUrl | String | Dimension |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
Keyword | String | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
KeywordStatus | String | Dimension |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerConversion | Float | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
Spend | Float | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Campaign Performance
The Campaign Performance report can be used to view high-level performance statistics and quality attributes for each campaign or account. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
CustomerId | Integer | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
CampaignLabels | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
CustomerName | String | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
QualityScore | Integer | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
Spend | Float | Metric |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CampaignType | String | Dimension |
Goals And Funnels
The Goals and Funnels report can be used to discover whether the audience completes each step through the land, browse, prospect, and conversion pages of the website. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
KeywordId | Integer | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
GoalId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
AllRevenue | Float | Metric |
AllConversions | Integer | Metric |
Goal | String | Dimension |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
GoalType | String | Dimension |
Keyword | String | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
KeywordStatus | String | Dimension |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
ViewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
Account Performance
The Account Performance report can be used to observe long-term account performance and trends. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
Spend | Float | Metric |
TimePeriod | String | Metric |
Ad Group Performance
The Ad Group Performance report can be used to more broadly compare delivery performance statistics by ad group, campaign, or account attributes rather than at the keyword level. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
QualityScore | Integer | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
Spend | Float | Metric |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
Keyword Performance
The Keyword Performance report can be used to find out which keywords are performing well and those that are not. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
CampaignId | Integer | Dimension |
TimePeriod | String | Dimension |
KeywordId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceType | String | Dimension |
AdGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
DeviceOS | String | Dimension |
AccountId | Integer | Dimension |
AdId | Integer | Dimension |
AdGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
AdType | String | Dimension |
Assists | Integer | Metric |
AverageCpc | Float | Metric |
AveragePosition | Float | Metric |
BidStrategyType | String | Dimension |
AdRelevance | Integer | Metric |
CampaignName | String | Dimension |
CampaignStatus | String | Dimension |
Clicks | Integer | Metric |
ConversionRate | String | Dimension |
Conversions | Integer | Metric |
CostPerAssist | Float | Metric |
CostPerConversion | Float | Metric |
Ctr | Float | Metric |
CurrencyCode | String | Dimension |
CurrentMaxCpc | Float | Metric |
CustomParameters | String | Dimension |
DestinationUrl | String | Dimension |
AdGroupName | String | Dimension |
AccountStatus | String | Dimension |
ExpectedCtr | Integer | Metric |
FinalAppUrl | String | Dimension |
FinalMobileUrl | String | Dimension |
FinalUrl | String | Dimension |
HistoricalAdRelevance | Integer | Metric |
HistoricalExpectedCtr | Integer | Metric |
HistoricalLandingPageExperience | Integer | Metric |
HistoricalQualityScore | Integer | Metric |
Impressions | Integer | Metric |
Keyword | String | Dimension |
AccountNumber | String | Dimension |
KeywordStatus | String | Dimension |
LandingPageExperience | Integer | Metric |
QualityImpact | Integer | Metric |
QualityScore | Integer | Metric |
ReturnOnAdSpend | Float | Metric |
Revenue | String | Dimension |
RevenuePerAssist | Float | Metric |
RevenuePerConversion | Float | Metric |
Spend | Float | Metric |
AccountName | String | Dimension |
TrackingTemplate | String | Dimension |