Common Error Messages
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Common Error Messages

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Error MessageDescription
Feeder-Worker Error: The river already has a pending run. Please wait 300 seconds from the first run, and run again.In order to prevent running the same river with the same parameters simultaneously (which can make duplications or lock your target database), the system prevents a river from running twice while one is still processing the parameters.
River exceeded 12 hours run limitRiver exceeded the 12-hour run time limit. For assistance in optimizing run time, please create a support ticket using the 'Support' option in the Rivery console.
Problem with Uploading the Google Cloud Storage. Please check your google project connection or bucket permissions and try again.There is an issue with the Google Cloud Storage bucket configuration. Most commonly, the variable called 'gcs_file_zone' does not match the bucket name configured for a BigQuery connection.
An error occurred while trying to check or configure your S3 file zone bucket. Please define the permissions or contact Rivery administrators by clicking Support on your console's menu.This is usually due to lack of permissions on the S3 bucket in the connection.
Loading to Snowflake Failed: Load Data Error due to json file format. Please check your table mapping or your json definitions.This error occurs when the data sent to Snowflake is not accepted by Snowflake, such as columns names with spaces or including special characters. To troubleshoot this error, check your Column Mapping and rename any necessary fields.
Connection to Snowflake failed. Please check your credentials, your warehouse permissions and your account preferences in Snowflake.The credentials set in the Snowflake connection do not have adequate permissions to the Snowflake resources set in the river (such as database, schema, or warehouse).
Action process failed. Error: not supported data file type: <type '…'>.This is indicates, mostly, that the data returns from the action, under data location/position, isn’t match Rivery expectations on how the datasets should return from an action river. Using action as source, Rivery assumes the data in data location key under the Results tab on the action river will be structured as [array] of {jsons}. However, in some cases, when the data comes as other types, like str(string), int (number), or dict(one or more jsons with no array…) only, the error above may be raised.

Need more help troubleshooting? Contact Support by clicking 'Support' in the Rivery Console.

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