Configure Custom FileZone For Postgres
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Configure Custom FileZone For Postgres

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Article summary

Setting up a Custom File Zone in Rivery is an optional feature, with the default option relying on the Managed File Zone provided by the platform, which requires no setup.

The main advantage of setting up a Custom File Zone is the ability for organizations to ensure that data is stored within their own file zones, as opposed to being stored in Rivery's Managed File Zone. This also enables organizations to use the Custom File Zone as a data lake, where raw data can be stored before it is loaded into a Target cloud data warehouse. Furthermore, organizations have the ability to define their own retention policies for data stored in the Custom File Zone.  Rivery's Managed File Zone (default) retains data for a period of 48 hours.

Before you use this guide, please make sure you’ve signed up for AWS and you have a console admin user. If you don’t have one of these prerequisites, you can start here.

Create an S3 Bucket

Rivery needs an S3 bucket to be a FileZone before your data is loading up to Redshift. You can either use the FileZone bucket or objects as a base to other Hadoop or spark operation by Amazon EMR, or by your other services.

Note: You can find the up to date documentation of S3 operations and getting started here .

So, let's create an S3 bucket for Rivery:

  1. Go to S3 Management in AWS Console .

  2. Click on Create Bucket

Give the bucket a name, and choose the same region your redshift will be on (in most of the cases - US-East (N.Virginia)  region will be enough). Use the S3 wizard defaults by reviewing and following the wizard screen, and click on Create Bucket .

Create an AWS User for Rivery

Rivery uses Amazon S3 bucket to upload your source data into it and then pull that data to your target. Therefore, there is a need to create a user in Amazon Platform Console, that will have the relevant bucket.

So, first of all - let’s create a user for Rivery and we'll give it permission to manage and read the FileZone bucket.

How do we do that?

  1. Sign into AWS Console

  2. Go to IAM in AWS Console -> Users - > Add User

  3. In the wizard, set your username (i.e: RiveryUser), and check the Access type to Programmatic access. Click Next .


  4. In the Set Permissions screen, choose Attach Policies Directly.

  5. In order to create new permission for the user, click on Attach Existing Policy Directly and then on Create Policy. A new tab with AWS policy generator should be opened.


  6. In the policy generator screen opened, click on JSON tab.


  7. Paste the permissions configuration below to the blank text box that opens and press Review Policy. Please don’t forget to replace the bold areas with your current settings, as you set before.
    Replace the <RiveryFileZoneBucket> with the S3 bucket name you've just created.

  8. Name your policy (i.e. RiveryFileZoneS3Policy ) and click on Create Policy.

  9. Go back to your browser tab of the user creation (it should be opened already), Refresh the policies list using the button in the right, search and Mark the policy just created, and click on Next: Tags.

  10. End the process by clicking on Next: Review and then on Create User.

  11. In the Complete section, you will get the user’s AWS credentials (aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key) and the user's ARN .
    Save the credentials in a safe place! You will need all of them afterward, in Rivery . configure-custom-filezone-for-snowflake_mceclip82.png

  12. Now, the User should have permissions to manage and read the FZ bucket created for Rivery. Please make sure the policy you've created attached to the user created.

Configure custom FileZone for Postgres in Rivery

Now, let's configure the bucket we've just created as a Custom FileZone in Rivery.

  1. Open your Postgres as target Connection, by going to Connections->Create New Connection, and choose RDS/Aurora for Postgres.

  2. In the connection, check the Custom File Zone


  3. If you have already an S3 connection, you can set it here as a Custom FileZone connection or you can create a new connection.

  4. In the form, set your Aws Access Key and Aws Access Secret Key, and Region Key.

  5. Name your S3 File Zone Connection and Save.

  6. Now you can test your connection.

  7. After saving, Choose your default bucket for your FileZone area. Use the bucket you've created in above:


  8. Save the connection.

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