Anaplan Connection
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Anaplan Connection

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Article summary

This article will guide you through configuring and establishing an Anaplan connection in Rivery.


  • Active Anaplan account.

Workspace and Model IDs

  • Log into Anaplan and click the ? for help. Select "About" from the drop-down list.

  • From the About window, copy the Workspace ID and Model ID values.

Creating New Anaplan Connection In Rivery

In order to get data from your Anaplan using Rivery, an Anaplan connection must be created.

  1. Navigate and log into Rivery Console.

  2. Click on Connections, in the main menu at the left.

  3. Click on + New Connection.

  4. Find and click on Anaplan source.

    Anaplan Connection-mceclip0

  5. Name the connection.

  6. Enter your username, password, workspace ID and model ID.

  7. Click the Test connection Anaplan Connection-mceclip2.png button to make sure everything works.

  8. Save the connection.

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