Apple SearchAds Connection
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Apple SearchAds Connection

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Apple SearchAds Credentials Type

Apple Ads connection provide 2 types of connectivity methods:

* Zip archive file (Legacy): The legacy way to provide the API credentials. It is going to be deprecated soon, and isn't yet available for new API users.

* The OAuth Way (JWT): The new way to provide API credentials on Apple Ads. Based on client_id, team_id, key_id and a public key provided you by Rivery.

OAuth (JWT) 

In order to connect to Apple Ads there's a need to create a specific user for Rivery with the right API scope, create a new key pair in Rivery, add  to Apple Ads the public key Rivery provided, and provide back the client_id, team_id and key_id to Rivery. 

Step 1: Invite an Apple ID with API permissions 

  1. Sign in to Apple Ads, using Advanced mode, and with an Account admin permissions Apple ID.

  2. Click on your Name in the top right corner, choose the account you want to manage, and then click on Settings.
  3.  In the Account Settings, go to Users Management, and then Invite Users.

  4.  Invite the user that you want Rivery will connect with, and set it's permissions to API Account Read Only. Click on Send Invite.
  5. Complete the invitation process, and connect to Apple Ads again with the user you've just invited.

Step2: Generate a new public key in Rivery

Apple Ads API requires from its users to provide a pre-generated public key, which refers to a private key, and with it Rivery generates a new token every run. In order to do that, please follow the next.

  1.  In Rivery console, go to connections -> create new connection.
  2.  Choose Apple Ads from the list of connections.
  3.  In order to provide a public key for Apple Ads, choose an existing key from the list, or click on create new key pair.
  4. Click on Display public key.

  5.  Copy the entire public key including the BEGIN PUBLIC KEY and the END PUBLIC KEY or use the copy icon. 
  6. Keep it for the next steps.  

Step 3: Provide the public key to Apple Ads and get the client id, team id and key id

  1. Connect again to the API Account Read Only user invited in Step 1 using Advanced login.
  2. Click on your Name in the top right corner, choose the account you want to manage, and then click on Settings.

  3. Go to API and Paste the public key generated on Step 2. Click Save.
  4. In Rivery, go to the Apple Ads connection, and provide the ClientId, TeamId and KeyId generated from Apple Ads.

  5. Test the connection.
  6. Name it and click on Save.

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