Appstore Connect - Apps Analytics Connection
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Appstore Connect - Apps Analytics Connection

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Article summary


This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a connection to App Store Connect - Analytics in Rivery.
Follow the outlined steps to integrate your App Store Analytics data into Rivery.


To access App Store Analytics data, ensure the following:

  1. Admin Permissions:
    The user must have ADMIN permission in App Store Connect.

  2. App Store Connect API Key Configuration:
    You need to generate an App Store Connect API key along with its associated configurations. Follow these steps to generate the necessary configurations:

    1. Log in to App Store Connect and navigate to the Users and Access section.


  3. Select the API Keys tab and click the Add (+) button to generate a new API key.

  4. Enter a name for the key and assign a role for it under Access. Then, click Generate.

  5. Download the private API key, and take note of the following:

    • Key ID
    • Issuer ID

Ensure you have these details saved securely, as they are required to establish the connection in Rivery.

Establishing a Connection in Rivery

Once you have completed the prerequisites, follow these steps to set up the connection:

  1. Name Your Connection:
    Provide a name to identify your App Store Connect connection within Rivery.

  2. Enter Required Details:
    Input the following credentials:

    • Key ID
    • Issuer ID
    • Upload your downloaded API Key File
  3. Test the Connection:
    Use the Test Connection button to verify the setup. If the connection is successful, you’re ready to use this connection in Rivery.

Example Image of Connection Setup

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