BlueSnap Connection
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BlueSnap Connection

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Article summary

This article will guide you about configuring a BlueSnap connection in Rivery.

BlueSnap requires the following credentials in order to connect:

  • Generated API Username & Password

Generated API Username & Password

Enter your Username & Password and login.

On the top right corner, click on Settings and then on API Settings under it.

In the API Credentials section, define your API password by entering it in the Password and Verify your password fields.

Click Request API credentials. The credentials are generated and your new API username is displayed.

Next, you would need to authorize Rivery's IP addresses:, and

Alternatively, you can check the "Disable IP Checking" box.

Creating new BlueSnap connection in Rivery

  1. Navigate and log into Rivery Console.

  2. Click on Connections, in the main menu at the left.

  3. Click on + New Connection.

  4. Find and click on BlueSnap, under Payments section.

  5. Name and Describe your connection.

  6. Enter your Generated API Username & Password.

You're all set! Click on Test Connection to test the credentials you've entered.

You are now ready to start pulling data from BlueSnap with Rivery!

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