CallRail Connection
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CallRail Connection

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Article summary

This connector is currently in Beta Stage.


CallRail offers API access through a Token.

To get started, acquire an API v3 key by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the left navigation bar and click on the Settings icon.

  2. Select the company for which you want to create or manage an API key.

  3. Access the Integrations option at the top of the page.

  4. Under the Data Access header on the left, choose API Keys.

  5. If you haven't created a key previously, click on the "Create New API v3 Key" button.
    If you have already created keys, you can view your active API keys in the table.

Establishing a Connection

  1. Fill in the Connection's Name.

  2. Enter Access Token.

  3. Use the Test Connection function to see if your connection is up to the task. If the connection succeeded, you can now use this connection in Rivery.


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