Maxio Chargify Connection
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Maxio Chargify Connection

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Article summary

This connector is currently in Alpha Stage.

This article will guide you on how to configure a Chargify connection in Rivery.


  1. Chargify Account with an admin account.

  2. Chargify subdomain

  3. Rivery account.

Generating New API Key in Chargify for Rivery

In order of connecting to your Chargify service in Rivery, you must provide 2 keys:

  • Subdomain
  • API Key


The Subdomain is provided by Chargify. In order to get the subdomain:

  1. Connect to your Chargify account .

  2. The sub domain will appear in the Select a Site screen:!
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Chargify API key is provided for a specific subdomain. In order to get the API key:

  1. Choose the subdomain you want to get an API key for, using the Select a Site drop down menu.

  2. Following the left menu, go to Config-> Integrations: **

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  3. In the Integration panel, choose API Keys/Chargify Direct -> **New API v1 Key.!

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  4. Copy the API key. It will not appear again!

Creating a Chargify Connection in Rivery

  1. In your Rivery Account , go to Connections.

  2. Press on + Create New Connection .

  3. Choose Chargify:

  4. Paste the Subdomain and the API Key you've fetched in the last step.

  5. Name the connection.

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  6. Press on Save.

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