Ex-Co Connection
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Ex-Co Connection

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Article summary

This connector is currently in Alpha Stage.

Create Ex-Co Connection

1. The Cedato connection requires an access key and access token for your Cedato account

  • Log in to your Cedato account
  • Click on the button in the top right corner of the screen to open the menu
  • Click on Network settings
  • In the network settings page, click on the platform API key tab.
  • If there is an active API key in the given Cedato account, it will be visible on that page. If not, click on the “regenerate Access key” button in order to create a new API key. 

2. In Rivery, create a new connection for Cedato on the connections page or in the Cedato river page. When creating a new Cedato connection, the next pop up will appear. 

3. Insert a connection name

4. Insert the access key and the access secret for your Cedato account

5. Test the connection. If the test passes you’re ready to go with Cedato! 

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