Facebook Audience Network Connection
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Facebook Audience Network Connection

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Article summary

The Facebook Audience Network Reporting API lets you automate downloading performance data for your Business and Properties.

Connect Facebook's user to your business in Business Manager

Make sure you have permission to see properties/businesses that you are trying to access through the Business Manager on Facebook:

  • Go to your Business Settings & Properties and check properties that you have access to.
  • If you are not an admin on your Business, ask your Business Admin to add you to the Properties that you would like to get access to.

Optional: Creating a system user on Facebook Business Manager

In some cases, creating a system user on Facebook Business Manager may bring data about properties the Facebook user doesn't provide. For example, there is a case when the user doesn't have permission to some property or businesses, which are managed by a third party, or another provider.

In order to pull the data, you may create a system user in Facebook Business Manager, using Facebook's guide of creating a new system user .
Please make sure to provide both next permissions scopes in step4 of the guide:



Create New Connection

In order to connect to Facebook Audience Network:

  1. In Rivery main menu, press Connections
  2. In the connections panel, press on +Create New Connection
  3. Search Facebook Audience Network using the search panel, or under the Analytics section.
    Click on it.
  4. Name your connection
  5. If a system user is created - click on Use System Users Token checkbox, and enter the Access Token generated in the step above .
  6. If no system user is provided, click on Connect to Facebook button and run over Facebook's wizard for connecting your user (make sure it's the same user that has the business permissions in the first step).
  7. Save the Connection

Now you can use the connection in every River that pulling data from Facebook Audience Network

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