Innovid Connection
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Innovid Connection

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Article summary

This article will guide you about configuring and establishing an Innovid connection in Rivery. 

Creating New Innovid Connection In Rivery

In order to get data from your Innovid account using Rivery, an Innovid connection must be created.
Simply follow these steps:

  1. Navigate and log into Rivery Console.
  2. Click on Connections, in the main menu at the left.
  3. Click on + New Connection.  
  4. Find and click on Innovid source, under Marketing section.
  5. Name the connection.
  6. Enter your credentials (User Name & Password).
  7. At this point, you have the option to test the connection to see that the credentials are valid.
  8. Save the connection.

You are now ready to start pulling data from Innovid!

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