JWPlayer Management Connection
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JWPlayer Management Connection

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Article summary


This article will guide you about configuring and establishing a JWPlayer connection in Rivery.

What you will need in order to connect:

  • API Key.
  • API Secret.

API Secret & Key

These can simply be obtained by logging in to JWPlayer's UI dashboard and navigating to "API Credentials" under the account.

The API Key and API Secret will appear when clicking the 'Show Credentials' button for each account. 

Creating New JWPlayer Connection In Rivery

 1. In your  Rivery Account, go to  Connections

 2. Press on  +Create New Connection

 3. Choose JWPlayer.

JWPlayer Connection:

  1. Fill a suitable name under Connection Name and insert the connection details.
  2. Fill your API Key credential in the API Key input.
  3. Fill your API Secret credential in the API Secret input.
  4. Click Save and create the connection.
  5. Run the Test Connection method. If the connection passed, you are ready to work with this connection in Rivery.

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