MySQL Connection
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MySQL Connection

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Article summary

Establishing a Connection

To connect to your MySQL Database, you must first set up your database credentials.

Define your MySQL connection

  1. In Rivery’s main menu, Go to Connections->Create Connection, or create your new connection in the source, pressing Create New Connection in the Rivers wizard.

  2. In the pop-out window, define your credential details:Please be advised about whitelisting Rivery's IPs on your Database Firewall.
    Please note - In EU server there are 4 IPs to whitelist in the Database Firewall:


  • Define your Host, Port, Database, Username and Password.

Screenshot 2022-01-23 184930.png


SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a cryptographic protocol used to establish a secure and encrypted connection. Consult our SSL Connection artice for more information.
You can establish a MySQL connection using an SSL Key File. Simply upload the file in the designated section:



Rivery can establish a connection with on-premises servers by using a hybrid approach to data processing. For this purpose, it is recommended to employ the SSH tunneling method.

To use the SSH Tunneling via Rivery, please configure your SSH Tunnel server in your network. This server will have the ability to get SSH connections from Rivery IPs, and will be able to connect to your database server via the internal IP or address. Rivery connects to that SSH server using a private key.

After you've configured SSH tunneling, you can set it up in the Rivery Connection:


Under the SSH Options section, in the MySQL Connection Pop-up, you can define the following:

  • SSH Hostname
  • SSH Port (in most of the connection, that should be 22)
  • The Username Rivery should connect via the SSH to the server
  • Password (optional)
  • SSH Pem Key (Recommended)
  • And if you have also a Pem Password for that key file.

Test the connection and Save.

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