NetSuite Connection
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NetSuite Connection

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Article summary

As of November 8, 2021, new users are only able to use the (Netsuite Analytics) data source. Existing users can continue to access the (Netsuite) data source, but it is no longer being updated and support will end soon. All customers are encouraged to switch to More information can be found in the "New Accounts and Access to the Connect Data Source" document.

Setting up the connection

To set up a connection you will need to create a dedicated admin user for Rivery in your NetSuite account and locate the following information: Account ID, Role ID, and Service Host, in addition to the user login password and email.

  • Create a dedicated admin user in your NetSuite account for Rivery, We suggest using "Rivery" as the name of the user.

  • Locate your Account ID

    1. Login to your NetSuite Account

    2. From the main screen, navigate to: Setup ->Integration ->Web Services Preference

    3. Under Primary Information you will find your Account ID


  • Locate the Role ID of your dedicated Rivery user

    1. From the main screen navigate to: Setup ->Users/Roles ->Manage Roles

    2. The Role ID is located under the Internal ID column.


3. If you can't locate the Internal ID column you might need to add it.

1. Click on the Customize View button
2. Search for the Internal ID column in the input box that opened and select the field
3. Click Add and then click Save

  • Locate your service host

    1. From the main screen find the Settings view and select Set Up SuiteAnalytics Connect
    2. Click on Your Configuration >
    3. Your host is under SERVICE HOST

Creating a NetSuite connection in Rivery

  1. In your Rivery Account , go to Connections

  2. Press on +Create New Connection

  3. Choose NetSuite

  4. Fill a suitable name under Connection Name and insert the connection details you've located to the corresponding fields.

    1. User Email - The email used to login to your NetSuite Account
    2. Password - The password for the login
    3. Role ID - The located Role ID
    4. Account ID - The located Account ID
    5. Host - The located Service Host
      *Make sure to not include the https:// prefix in this field
  5. Click Save and create the connection

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