NetSuite Reporting Connection
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NetSuite Reporting Connection

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Article summary

Setting up the connection

For the following steps please make sure you are logged in as an Administrator.
Enable web services & token-based authentication

  1. Under Setup -> Company -> Enable Features


  2. Click on SuiteCloud


  3. Under SuiteTalk, enable SOAP WEB SERVICES


  4. Under Manage Authentication, enable TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION


  5. Scroll to the end or start of the page and click on Save

Create an integration record (app) for Rivery

  1. Under Setup -> Integration -> Manage Integrations -> New


  1. Name your integration "Rivery"

  2. Make sure the TOKEN-BASED AUTHENTICATION (TBA) is enabled

  3. Click Save. A consumer secret and key will appear. Make sure to write them down as we will be using them later (also, they will only appear once).


Create a role for Rivery and set permission

  • Create a role
    1. Setup -> Users/Roles -> Manage Roles -> New
    2. Name your role "Rivery"
    3. Under Authentication enable the 'WEB SERVICES ONLY ROLE' option.
  • There are two options when setting permission for the role:
    1. Set the administrator role:
      This is done under the General tab -> issue role -> administrator
      If you choose this option, please continue to the "Create a user" section once the role is set (don't forget to save the role)

    2. Set specific permission for the role:
      Below, you will find a list of minimum permissions you need to grant to the role to be able to use Rivery with Netsuite, In addition you need to add specific permissions for each record you want to use Rivery to extract, e.g. Accounts, Invoice etc. Please follow the stesp 1-5 for each of these records.

SOAP Web ServicesFullSetup
Log in using Access TokensFullSetup
User Access TokensFullSetup
Custom Body FieldsViewSetup
Custom FieldsViewSetup
Custom ListsViewSetup
Custom Record TypesViewSetup
Deleted RecordsViewSetup
Perfrom SearchViewLists
    How to add permissions:
   1.  Under the permissions tab, find the subtab that corresponds to the entity you wish to extract, e.g lists
   2.  Find the record you want to add permission for e.g. Accounts 
    3. Set the level of permission for that record e.g. view 
    4. Click add
    5. Keep going until all entities have been added 
    6.  Click on save

Create a user and assign the role you previously created to the user, We suggest using "Rivery" as the name of the user and the role.

  1. Go to Lists -> Employees -> Employees -> New.
  2. Enter the name and the email address.
  3. Click the Access subtab
  4. Check Give Access and Send Notification Email.
  6. Assign a password of your choice.
  7. Select the Role that you need to assign. In this case.. Rivery and click Add.
  8. Save the record.

Create an Access token for Rivery

  1. Under Setup -> Users/Roles ->Access Tokens -> New

  2. Select the application (an integrated record) you've previously created

  3. Select the user you've previously created

  4. Select the role you've created for that user

  5. Enter a name for the access token or use the generated name

  6. Write the token id and secret, you will need them in the connection in Rivery. (also they will only appear once).

Locate your Account ID

  1. From the main screen navigate to: Setup -> Integration -> Soap Web Services Preference
  2. Under Primary Information you will find your Account ID


Creating a NetSuite Reporting connection in Rivery

  1. In your Rivery Account, go to Connections
  2. Press on +Create New Connection
  3. Choose NetSuite Reporting
  4. Choose the token tab
  5. Fill a suitable name under Connection Name and insert the connection details you've located/created to the corresponding fields.
    • Consumer Key
    • Consumer Secret
    • Token ID
    • Token Secret
    • Account ID - The located Account ID
  6. Click Save and create the connection
  7. Test the connection if the test is successful you are ready to work with NetSuite Reporting in Rivery

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