Sailthru Connection
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Sailthru Connection

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Article summary

| This connector is currently in Alpha Stage.

This guide will walk you through the steps for setting up the Sailthru connector in Rivery.

Creating a Sailthru connection


To set the connection all you need is the API key and API secret which you can access in Sailthru's settings (step 1 to 3 in the following snapshot); When logged into your account, go to your Account Settings(1). Go inside API & Postbacks and look for the lock which holds the API key and API secret which is needed for the connection. Also put our IPs in the allowed IPs.

You should see your API key API Secret in the pop up window as shown below.

 1. In your  Rivery Account, go to  Connections

 2. Press on  +Create New Connection

 3. Choose Revcontent

 4. Fill a suitable name under Connection Name and insert the connection details

        Client ID- generated by Revcontent

        Client Secret- generated by Revcontent

 5. Click Save and create the connection

 6. Run the Test Connection method. If the connection passed, you are ready to work with this connection in Rivery.

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