Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connection
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud Connection

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Article summary

Create Salesforce Cloud Marketing Connection in Rivery

1. Go to Connections -> Create New Connection.

2. Search for 'Salesforce Marketing Cloud' and click on it.

3.  In the open modal, Name your connection and enter your Client ID, Client Secret, and Subdomain.


1.  You can find your  Client ID, Client Secret and Subdomain in the components section of your package details page (after creating a new component you will be directed to this page automatically). 

2. Your subdomain is represented by a 28-character string starting with the letters "mc". The subdomain creates Marketing Cloud APIs endpoints that are unique to your tenant.*

3. Before trying to set a connection, please verify that the account has an account read permission that is required in order to set the integration.  For more information regarding the API integration permission scopes click here.

4. Click the 'Test Connection'imagebutton to make sure everything works.

*This subdomain is the value between the bold portion of the following URL:


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