Social Studio Connection
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Social Studio Connection

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Article summary

This connector is currently in Alpha Stage.


To create a Social Studio connection in Rivery you must first have the following details:

  • Username to the social studio platform
  • Password for that user name
  • Client id
  • Client secret

Procuring client id and client secret from Social Studio

First, you must enable and register an API application in Social Studio.

  1. Log into
    Make sure you are using a super user or organization administrator credentials.
  2. Navigate to the Admin section and click on Organization Settings .


  1. Check that the Developers can create API Applications checkbox, and then click on the Apply Changes button


Create an API application in Social Studio

  1. Navigate to theAdmin section in Social Studio.
  2. Click on the API Applications section.


  1. Click Add New on the top right corner.


  1. Accept the terms by clicking on the I accept the terms and conditions button
  2. In the new application screen, insert Rivery as the app name


  1. Click Save
  2. View the application details and copy the Application key and Application secret We will be using them soon when we create the connection in RIvery.

Create a Social Studio connection in Rivery

Create a new Social Studio connection:

  1. Go to Connections -> Create New Connection .
  2. Search for Social Studio and click on it.
  3. In the open modal, Name your connection.
  4. Enter theUserName and Password you use to log in to your Social Studio console.
  5. Under Client Id enter the Application key from the previous step
  6. under the Client Secret enter the Application secret from from the previous step
  7. Click on Test Connection to check if you've entered valid credentials.
  8. Click on Save .


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