Zendesk Connection
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Zendesk Connection

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Article summary

Rivery connects to Zendesk using a token access

In order to create an API token in Zendesk follow the next steps:

  1. Login to your Zendesk account and go the Settings page.
  2. Click on " API" in order to open the API settings page (The API is under the channels )
  3. Under the Token Access , you will see the active tokens you have in your Zendesk account. It is possible to create a new one by clicking on the " Plus " button.
  4. The API token will be visible only once, copy it in order to use it when creating the Zendesk connection in Rivery.

Create a Zendesk connection in Rivery


Insert a name for the new connection in the "connection name" input.

Sub Domain - Part from the URL you are logging to Zendesk with.

For example: 
if the link is https://my_org.zendesk.com
then the subdomain is my_org

UserName - insert a username with access to the Zendesk account.
Access Token - copy the API access token you got from Zendesk.

Click on test connection .

If the test passed, you're ready to use with Zendesk!

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