2024-01 Criteo API Upgrade v2023-10
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2024-01 Criteo API Upgrade v2023-10

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Article summary


Starting Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, Rivery will initiate an upgrade for its Criteo connection, optimizing it to utilize the most recent API version - Criteo API Version 2023-10.
This improvement guarantees the synchronization of your Rivers with the latest data provided by the Criteo data source API.

Modifications to Columns Within the Existing Reports

In this version, several modifications have been made to the data structure under the "Audiences" report.

Deprecated Columns

The following columns are deprecated and will no longer be available:

  • attributes_nbLines
  • attributes_nbLinesEmail
  • attributes_nbMatchesEmail

New Column


New Filters (River Source tab)

Additional filters are now available in the River Source tab:

  • Advertisers
  • Adsets
  • Audiences

Renamed Columns

Some columns have been renamed for clarity:

  • From attributes_updated to attributes_updatedAt
  • From attributes_created to attributes_createdAt

What Actions Should You Take?

If you wish to incorporate the new columns/filters into your Rivers, please follow the steps below:

Update Rivery’s Mapping

  • Navigate to your River schema tab.
  • Use "Clear All" and then "Auto Mapping" to update the mapping of relevant reports according to the required fields.

Handling Deprecated Columns

If no action is taken, deprecated columns will be retrieved with null values.
To remove deprecated columns from the target table, modify the schema mapping under the Schema tab of your Rivers.

Handling Renamed Columns

If no action is taken, renamed fields will be retrieved with null values.

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