DataOps Videos
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DataOps Videos

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Article summary

Using Variables Within Rivery (6 Min)

Rivery uses variables to streamline integrations, with River and Environment variables being the 2 types. River variables are used to pass data within a River, while Environment variables are used to pass data across Rivers and parameterize connection details.

Monitoring Overview (3 Min)

Rivery's dashboards and Activities help manage Rivers effectively. The dashboard displays activity duration, credits consumed, steps, and error codes, and you can retry failed runs without consuming credits.

Scheduling (1 Min)

Schedule River execution via Rivery interface: enable schedule option, use cron expression or API, and set UTC timezone.

Environments and Deployments (4 Min)

Environments and Deployments isolate code, organize infrastructure, and manage packages for better River management, and the video covers navigating the Environment manager, creating Deployments, and deploying packages.

User Administration (3 Min)

Rivery provides role-based access control (RBAC) and SSO to manage users effectively across multiple Environments, and the video covers adding and managing users with various roles and capabilities.

Rivery API and CLI (5 Min)

The Rivery API offers programmatic interface via REST API calls for interacting with Rivery console and performing various functions, with endpoints for Rivers, Activities, DataFrames, and logs, and can be authorized using simple or Bearer Token method. The Command Line Interface (CLI) extends API functionality via terminal or command line utility, with Python and virtual Environment support.

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