Email Walkthrough
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Email Walkthrough

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Article summary


Before proceeding with data extraction from emails to Rivery, ensure you have an Email Connection within Rivery.

How to Pull Data from Email

  • Create a Source to Target River
  • Locate 'Email' in the list of data sources under Organization.
  • Under Source Connection, select the previously created connection or create a new one.

Date Range

  • Specify the date range for data retrieval.
  • Provide a start date.
  • Leaving the end date empty will pull data up to the current time of the river's run.

Please Note:

  • Rivery pulls emails from the specified date range.
  • The most recent emails received since the last run are pulled in case of multiple runs on the same day.
  • The 'Entire Day' checkbox pulls the entire day's emails regardless of new emails, potentially causing duplicates.

Filter Attributes

  • Set desired filters attributes, such as:
  • From (sender's email address)
  • Label (optimal label from the list)
  • Subject (entire subject or specific keywords)
  • Has the word (specific words in the mail content)
  • Body (specific words in the mail content)
  • File Name (specific filename)
  • File Type (desired file type)
  • Specify headers for files/sheets.

Pulling Data from a Link

When extracting data from a hyperlink, ensure to complete the following fields:

  • From
  • Label
  • Subject
  • File Type
  • Tick the box labeled "Is Link To Download Report"
  • Link Name: Enter either the URL's exact name or the URL itself.

Testing and Configuration

  • Test filters in Gmail's UI to ensure accuracy.
  • Set corresponding filters in Rivery's Gmail source configuration.

Timestamp Configuration

To work with DD/MM/YYYY timestamp, enable the corresponding checkbox at the bottom of the river page.

Source Auto Mapping

Automatically sets mapping based on returned data from files/sheets selected.
Modify generated fields as needed:

  • Fetch desired fields in the Mapping table.
  • Add or remove fields.
  • Check "fill empty" box for cells with no values.
  • Define fields as source or static.
  • Utilize expressions for static fields.

Common Issues and Solutions

Empty Data Notification:

  • If there's no data for a chosen time range, a warning notification might not trigger.
  • Manually add the "email_date" field in the automapping stage to receive notifications for empty responses.

Additional Metadata Fields:

Add the "email_date TIMESTAMP" field to capture the date when the file was in Gmail.
Perform a new automapping to include the new meta-data field.

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