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Facebook Ads Predefined Reports
- 11 Minutes to read
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Predefined Reports
The Facebook Ads datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
Facebook Ad's one source-level selection is an Ad Accounts filter. Choosing distinct values will filter down each report within the river to only the selected ad accounts' data.
Ad Account
The Ad Account report returns the details on each ad account.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_account_status | Integer | Metric |
_age | Float | Metric |
_amount_spent | String | Dimension |
_balance | String | Dimension |
_business | Record | Dimension |
_business_city | String | Dimension |
_business_country_code | String | Dimension |
_business_name | String | Dimension |
_business_state | String | Dimension |
_business_street | String | Dimension |
_business_street2 | String | Dimension |
_business_zip | String | Dimension |
_can_create_brand_lift_study | Boolean | Dimension |
_capabilities | String | Dimension |
_created_time | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_disable_reason | Integer | Metric |
_end_advertiser | String | Dimension |
_end_advertiser_name | String | Dimension |
_funding_source | String | Dimension |
_funding_source_details | Record | Dimension |
_has_migrated_permissions | Boolean | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_ios_fourteen_campaign_limits_campaign_group_limit | Integer | Metric |
_ios_fourteen_campaign_limits_campaign_limit | Integer | Metric |
_is_attribution_spec_system_default | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_direct_deals_enabled | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_in_3ds_authorization_enabled_market | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_notifications_enabled | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_personal | Integer | Metric |
_is_prepay_account | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_tax_id_required | Boolean | Dimension |
_min_campaign_group_spend_cap | String | Dimension |
_min_daily_budget | Integer | Metric |
_offsite_pixels_tos_accepted | Boolean | Dimension |
_owner | String | Dimension |
_spend_cap | String | Dimension |
_tax_id | String | Dimension |
_tax_id_status | Integer | Dimension |
_tax_id_type | String | Dimension |
_timezone_id | Integer | Dimension |
_timezone_name | String | Dimension |
_timezone_offset_hours_utc | Integer | Metric |
_tos_accepted | Record | Dimension |
_user_tasks | String | Dimension |
Ad Account Activities
The Ad Account Activities report retrieves information on key updates to an ad account and ad objects associated with it. The user can customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_event_time | String | Dimension |
_actor_name | String | Dimension |
_application_id | String | Dimension |
_application_name | String | Dimension |
_category | String | Dimension |
_date_time_in_timezone | String | Dimension |
_actor_id | String | Dimension |
_event_type | String | Dimension |
_extra_data | String | Dimension |
_object_id | String | Dimension |
_object_name | String | Dimension |
_object_type | String | Dimension |
_translated_event_type | String | Dimension |
The Campaigns report returns the details on each campaign within the ad account(s). The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns filter option.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_effective_status | String | Dimension |
_budget_remaining | String | Dimension |
_buying_type | String | Dimension |
_campagin_name | String | Dimension |
_budget_rebalance_flag | Boolean | Dimension |
_can_create_brand_lift_study | Boolean | Dimension |
_can_use_spend_cap | Boolean | Dimension |
_configured_status | String | Dimension |
_created_time | String | Dimension |
_bid_strategy | String | Dimension |
_is_skadnetwork_attribution | Boolean | Dimension |
_lifetime_budget | String | Dimension |
_objective | String | Dimension |
_source_campaign | Record | Dimension |
_source_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_special_ad_category | String | Dimension |
_start_time | String | Dimension |
_status | String | Dimension |
_stop_time | String | Dimension |
_topline_id | String | Dimension |
_updated_time | String | Dimension |
The Adsets report returns the details on each adset within the ad account(s). The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns and/or Adsets filter options.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_behaviors_full_details_string | String | Dimension |
_age_max | Integer | Metric |
_age_min | Integer | Metric |
_attribution_spec | Record | Dimension |
_behaviors_full_details | Record | Dimension |
_adset_schedule | Record | Dimension |
_behaviors_ids | String | Dimension |
_behaviors_ids_string | String | Dimension |
_behaviors_names | String | Dimension |
_behaviors_names_string | String | Dimension |
_bid_amount | Integer | Metric |
_bid_info | Record | Dimension |
_bid_strategy | String | Dimension |
_billing_event | String | Dimension |
_budget_remaining | String | Dimension |
_campaign | Record | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_configured_status | String | Dimension |
_created_time | String | Dimension |
_custom_audience_full_details | Record | Dimension |
_custom_audience_full_details_string | String | Dimension |
_custom_audience_ids | String | Dimension |
_custom_audience_ids_string | String | Dimension |
_custom_audience_names | String | Dimension |
_custom_audience_names_string | String | Dimension |
_daily_budget | String | Dimension |
_destination_type | String | Dimension |
_device | String | Dimension |
_effective_status | String | Dimension |
_end_time | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_full_details | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_full_details_string | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_ids | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_ids_string | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_names | String | Dimension |
_excluded_custom_audiences_string | String | Dimension |
_excluded_geo_countries | String | Dimension |
_frequency_control_specs | Record | Dimension |
_genders | String | Dimension |
_geo_countries | String | Dimension |
_interests_full_details | Record | Dimension |
_interests_full_details_string | String | Dimension |
_interests_ids | String | Dimension |
_interests_ids_string | String | Dimension |
_interests_names | String | Dimension |
_interests_names_string | String | Dimension |
_is_dynamic_creative | Boolean | Dimension |
_lal_percentage | String | Dimension |
_lal_percentage_string | String | Dimension |
_lifetime_budget | String | Dimension |
_lifetime_imps | Integer | Metric |
_optimization_goal | String | Dimension |
_optimization_sub_event | String | Dimension |
_pacing_type | String | Dimension |
_promoted_object | Record | Dimension |
_recommendations | Record | Dimension |
_recurring_budget_semantics | Boolean | Dimension |
_seed_audience | String | Dimension |
_source_adset | Record | Dimension |
_source_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_start_time | String | Dimension |
_status | String | Dimension |
_updated_time | String | Dimension |
_use_new_app_click | Boolean | Dimension |
_user_os | String | Dimension |
_user_os_string | String | Dimension |
The Ads report returns the details on each ad within the ad account(s). The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_created_time | String | Dimension |
_bid_type | String | Dimension |
_campaign | Record | Dimension |
_adset | Record | Dimension |
_configured_status | String | Dimension |
_conversion_specs | Record | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_creative | Record | Dimension |
_creative_id | String | Dimension |
_display_sequence | Integer | Metric |
_effective_status | String | Dimension |
_last_updated_by_app_id | String | Dimension |
_recommendations | Record | Dimension |
_source_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_status | String | Dimension |
_tracking_specs | Record | Dimension |
_updated_time | String | Dimension |
Ad Creatives
The Ad Creatives report returns the details on each creative within the ad account(s). The user can customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_creative_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_portrait_customizations | Record | Dimension |
_body | String | Dimension |
_call_to_action_type | String | Dimension |
_authorization_category | String | Dimension |
_creative_name | String | Dimension |
_effective_authorization_category | String | Dimension |
_effective_instagram_media_id | String | Dimension |
_effective_instagram_story_id | String | Dimension |
_effective_object_story_id | String | Dimension |
_image_hash | String | Dimension |
_image_url | String | Dimension |
_instagram_actor_id | String | Dimension |
_instagram_permalink_url | String | Dimension |
_instagram_user_id | String | Dimension |
_link | String | Dimension |
_object_story_spec | Record | Dimension |
_object_type | String | Dimension |
_asset_feed_spec | Record | Dimension |
_status | String | Dimension |
_thumbnail_url | String | Dimension |
_title | String | Dimension |
_use_page_actor_override | Boolean | Dimension |
_video_id | String | Dimension |
post_attachments | Record | Dimension |
post_call_to_action | Record | Dimension |
post_created_time | String | Dimension |
post_from | Record | Dimension |
post_full_picture | String | Dimension |
post_icon | String | Dimension |
post_id | String | Dimension |
post_instagram_eligibility | String | Dimension |
post_object_id | String | Dimension |
post_type | String | Dimension |
video_content_category | String | Dimension |
video_created_time | String | Dimension |
video_description | String | Dimension |
video_id | String | Dimension |
Ads Pixels
The Ads Pixels report returns a list of the pixels within the ad account(s) and the details associated with each. The user can customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_id | String | Dimension |
_first_party_cookie_status | String | Dimension |
_can_proxy | Boolean | Dimension |
_code | String | Dimension |
_creation_time | String | Dimension |
_creator | Record | Dimension |
_data_use_setting | String | Dimension |
_enable_automatic_matching | Boolean | Dimension |
_automatic_matching_fields | String | Dimension |
_aggregation | String | Dimension |
_is_created_by_business | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_unavailable | Boolean | Dimension |
_last_fired_time | String | Dimension |
_name | String | Dimension |
_owner_ad_account | Record | Dimension |
_owner_business | Record | Dimension |
_start_time | String | Dimension |
_stats | Record | Dimension |
Ad Leads
The Ad Leads reports returns a list of leads captured with ads from the ad account. The user can customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_lead_id | String | Dimension |
_form_page_name | String | Dimension |
_form_locale | String | Dimension |
_form_name | String | Dimension |
_form_page_id | String | Dimension |
_form_id | String | Dimension |
_form_status | String | Dimension |
_is_organic | Boolean | Dimension |
_lead_form_field_name | String | Dimension |
_lead_form_field_value | String | Dimension |
_created_time | String | Dimension |
_platform | String | Dimension |
Ad Leads Forms
The Ad Leads Forms report returns details on each of the Lead forms created within the account. The user can customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
locale | String | Dimension |
context_card | Record | Dimension |
created_time | String | Dimension |
expired_leads_count | Integer | Metric |
follow_up_action_url | String | Dimension |
block_display_for_non_targeted_viewer | Boolean | Dimension |
is_optimized_for_quality | Boolean | Dimension |
leads_count | Integer | Metric |
legal_content | Record | Dimension |
allow_organic_lead | Boolean | Dimension |
name | String | Dimension |
organic_leads_count | Integer | Metric |
page | Record | Dimension |
page_id | String | Dimension |
page_name | String | Dimension |
privacy_policy_url | String | Dimension |
question_page_custom_headline | String | Dimension |
questions | Record | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
thank_you_page | Record | Dimension |
Insight Report Basic
The Insight Report Basic report returns daily metrics on each Ad within the ad account. The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_date_start | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_impressions | String | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_campaign_name | String | Dimension |
_clicks | String | Dimension |
_conversions | Record | Dimension |
_cost_per_action_type | Record | Dimension |
_cost_per_conversion | Record | Dimension |
_cpc | String | Dimension |
_cpm | String | Dimension |
_cpp | String | Dimension |
_ctr | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_actions | Record | Dimension |
_date_stop | String | Dimension |
_frequency | String | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_reach | String | Dimension |
_social_spend | String | Dimension |
_spend | String | Dimension |
_unique_actions | Record | Dimension |
_unique_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_click_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_link_clicks_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_video_avg_time_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p100_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p25_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p50_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p75_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p95_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
Insight Report Platform
The Insight Report Platform report returns daily metrics on each Ad within the ad account grouped by the platform. The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_publisher_platform | String | Dimension |
_platform_position | String | Dimension |
_date_start | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_campaign_name | String | Dimension |
_clicks | String | Dimension |
_cost_per_action_type | Record | Dimension |
_cpc | String | Dimension |
_cpm | String | Dimension |
_cpp | String | Dimension |
_ctr | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_actions | Record | Dimension |
_date_stop | String | Dimension |
_frequency | String | Dimension |
_impressions | String | Dimension |
_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_action_values | Record | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_reach | String | Dimension |
_spend | Integer | Metric |
_unique_actions | Record | Dimension |
_unique_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_click_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_link_clicks_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_video_avg_time_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p100_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p25_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p50_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p75_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p95_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
Insight Report Age Gender
The Insight Report Age Gender report returns daily metrics on each Ad within the ad account grouped by the Age and Gender buckets. The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_age | String | Dimension |
_gender | String | Dimension |
_date_start | String | Dimension |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_actions | Record | Dimension |
_campaign_name | String | Dimension |
_clicks | String | Dimension |
_conversions | Record | Dimension |
_cost_per_action_type | Record | Dimension |
_cpc | String | Dimension |
_cpm | String | Dimension |
_cpp | String | Dimension |
_ctr | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_action_values | Record | Dimension |
_date_stop | String | Dimension |
_frequency | String | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_impressions | String | Dimension |
_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_reach | String | Dimension |
_spend | String | Dimension |
_unique_actions | Record | Dimension |
_unique_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_click_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_link_clicks_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_video_avg_time_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p100_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p25_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p50_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p75_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p95_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
Insight Report Country
The Insight Report Country report returns daily metrics on each Ad within the ad account grouped by the country. The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_date_start | String | Dimension |
_country | String | Dimension |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_actions | Record | Dimension |
_campaign_name | String | Dimension |
_clicks | String | Dimension |
_cost_per_action_type | Record | Dimension |
_action_values | Record | Dimension |
_cpc | String | Dimension |
_cpm | String | Dimension |
_cpp | String | Dimension |
_ctr | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_date_stop | String | Dimension |
_frequency | String | Dimension |
_impressions | String | Dimension |
_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_reach | String | Dimension |
_spend | String | Dimension |
_unique_actions | Record | Dimension |
_unique_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_click_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_unique_link_clicks_ctr | String | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_unique_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_video_avg_time_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_continuous_2_sec_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p100_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p25_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p50_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p75_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
_video_p95_watched_actions | Record | Dimension |
Insight Report Product
The Insight Report Product report returns daily metrics on each Ad within the ad account grouped by the product. The user can customize the output by using the Campaigns, Adsets, and/or Ads filter options. The type of incremental load associated with this report is also customizable.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_campaign_id | String | Dimension |
_product_id | String | Dimension |
_date_start | String | Dimension |
_ad_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_adset_id | String | Dimension |
_cpc | String | Dimension |
_adset_name | String | Dimension |
_campaign_name | String | Dimension |
_clicks | String | Dimension |
_cost_per_action_type | Record | Dimension |
_ad_name | String | Dimension |
_cpm | String | Dimension |
_ctr | String | Dimension |
_currency | String | Dimension |
_actions | Record | Dimension |
_date_stop | String | Dimension |
_impressions | String | Dimension |
_inline_link_clicks | String | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks | Record | Dimension |
_outbound_clicks_ctr | Record | Dimension |
_account_name | String | Dimension |
_spend | String | Dimension |
Custom Conversions
The Custom Conversions report lists the ad accounts' conversion objects which measure events you want to track to optimize ads delivery.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_custom_event_type | String | Dimension |
_data_sources | String | Dimension |
_default_conversion_value | Integer | Metric |
_event_source_type | String | Dimension |
_first_fired_time | String | Dimension |
_creation_time | String | Dimension |
_is_archived | Boolean | Dimension |
_is_unavailable | Boolean | Dimension |
_last_fired_time | String | Dimension |
_name | String | Dimension |
_pixel | Record | Dimension |
_retention_days | Integer | Metric |
_rule | String | Dimension |
Saved Audiences
The Saved Audiences report returns a list of audiences that have been saved and not used for an ad target.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_id | String | Dimension |
_account | Record | Dimension |
_approximate_count_lower_bound | Integer | Metric |
_approximate_count_upper_bound | Integer | Metric |
_name | String | Dimension |
_permission_for_actions | Record | Dimension |
_run_status | String | Dimension |
_sentence_lines | Record | Dimension |
_targeting | Record | Dimension |
_time_created | String | Dimension |
_time_updated | String | Dimension |
Custom Audiences
The Custom Audiences report returns a list of custom created audiences within the ad account that can be used for ad targeting.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
_id | String | Dimension |
_account_id | String | Dimension |
_lookalike_spec | Record | Dimension |
_customer_file_source | String | Dimension |
_data_source | Record | Dimension |
_delivery_status | Record | Dimension |
_description | String | Dimension |
_external_event_source | Record | Dimension |
_approximate_count_upper_bound | Integer | Metric |
_is_value_based | Boolean | Dimension |
_lookalike_audience_ids | String | Dimension |
_approximate_count_lower_bound | Integer | Metric |
_name | String | Dimension |
_operation_status | Record | Dimension |
_permission_for_actions | Record | Dimension |
_pixel_id | String | Dimension |
_retention_days | Integer | Metric |
_rule | String | Dimension |
_subtype | String | Dimension |
_time_content_updated | Integer | Metric |
_time_created | Integer | Metric |
_time_updated | Integer | Metric |