Twitter FAQ
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Twitter FAQ

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Article summary

Q: Why am I seeing discrepancies between the CSV files extracted from the Ads Manager UI and the API In terms of insights?

A: The Tweet activity data that is extracted from the Ads Manager UI calculates the insights based on the life time values of the tweet, while the API data is calculated on the selected date range in the river.
To get the more accurate results get all the insights data for the tweet from it's creation date.
Take into account up to 10% differences between the API and the Ads Manager UI as stated by Twitter.

Q: I have line items id's with insights which I can't locate their respective promoted tweets, why?

A: Not all campaigns (and in association line items) have promoted tweets.
For example the pre-roll video campaigns don't have promoted tweets.
You can confirm this by pulling the ad groups (line_items) entity report and looking under the objective column for the VIDEO_VIEWS_PREROLL value.

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