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Google Ads Predefined Reports
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Predefined Reports
The Google Ads datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
Google Ads' one source-level selection is an Account filter. Choosing distinct values will filter down each report within the river to only the selected data.
Account Performance By Day
The Account Performance By Day report returns performance metrics at the account level aggregated by the day. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
metrics_allConversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
metrics_allConversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
Account Performance By Hour
The Account Performance By Hour report returns performance metrics at the account level aggregated by the hour. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
segments_hour | Integer | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
metrics_allConversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_allConversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
Campaign Performance By Day
The Campaign Performance By Day report returns performance metrics at the campaign level aggregated by the day. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
Campaign Performance By Hour
The Campaign Performance By Hour report returns performance metrics at the campaign level aggregated by the hour. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_hour | Integer | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
Ad Group Performance By Day
The Ad Group Performance By Day report returns performance metrics at the ad group level aggregated by the day. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
Ad Group Performance By Hour
The Ad Group Performance By Hour report returns performance metrics at the ad group level aggregated by the hour. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_hour | Integer | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
Ad Performance By Day
The Ad Performance By Day report returns performance metrics at the ad level aggregated by the day. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
adGroupAd_ad_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupAd_ad_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
Geographic Performance
The Geographic Performance report returns metrics aggregated at the country level. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
geographicView_countryCriterionId | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
geographicView_locationType | String | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
Audience Performance
The Audience Performance report Includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for Display Network and YouTube Network ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated at the audience level. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
adGroupCriterion_criterionId | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
Keyword Performance
The Keyword Performance report returns metrics aggregated at the keyword level. The only customization is the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
adGroup_id | Integer | Dimension |
segments_date | String | Dimension |
segments_adNetworkType | String | Dimension |
segments_device | String | Dimension |
keywordView_resourceName | String | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewMeasurability | Float | Metric |
adGroup_name | String | Dimension |
adGroup_resourceName | String | Dimension |
adGroup_type | String | Dimension |
campaign_id | Integer | Dimension |
campaign_name | String | Dimension |
customer_currencyCode | String | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
adGroup_finalUrlSuffix | String | Dimension |
metrics_activeViewImpressions | Integer | Metric |
adGroupCriterion_qualityInfo_qualityScore | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableCostMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewMeasurableImpressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_activeViewViewability | Float | Metric |
metrics_clicks | Integer | Metric |
metrics_conversions | Float | Metric |
metrics_conversionsValue | Float | Metric |
metrics_costMicros | Integer | Metric |
metrics_impressions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_interactionEventTypes | String | Metric |
metrics_interactions | Integer | Metric |
metrics_searchImpressionShare | Float | Metric |
metrics_viewThroughConversions | Integer | Metric |
adGroupCriterion_keyword_text | String | Dimension |
adGroupCriterion_keyword_matchType | String | Dimension |
adGroupCriterion_finalUrls | String | Dimension |
Media File
The Media File report returns the attributes of media files within the specified account.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
customer_id | Integer | Dimension |
mediaFile_id | Integer | Dimension |
customer_descriptiveName | String | Dimension |
mediaFile_audio_adDurationMillis | Integer | Metric |
mediaFile_fileSize | Integer | Metric |
mediaFile_mimeType | String | Dimension |
mediaFile_name | String | Dimension |
mediaFile_type | String | Dimension |
mediaFile_video_adDurationMillis | Integer | Metric |
mediaFile_video_youtubeVideoId | String | Dimension |