Handling Large Data Sets with Master Loops
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Handling Large Data Sets with Master Loops

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Article summary


When working with large data sets, it can be necessary to loop through the data in manageable chunks. This document outlines a method for looping over more than 1000 objects using a master loop approach in a Logic River.

Determine the Number of Master Loops

  1. Get the Number of Parent Loops Needed:
  • First, calculate the total number of rows in your data set.
  • For example, if my_data has 3335 rows, the following steps will store "4" in the variable loop_count.

Please Note:
my_data is the result of the SELECT ID FROM table statement. These IDs are then passed into the API endpoint to be looped over.

  1. Generate the Parent Loop Variable:
  • Generate a list of offsets based on loop_count. This will help parameterize the offset needed to retrieve the right data.

  • In this example, the list generated would be [0, 1000, 2000, 3000].


Implementing the Loop

  1. Master Loop:
  • Loop over the list [0, 1000, 2000, 3000].
  1. Query the Data:
  • In each iteration of the master loop, query the data using a limit of 1000 and the appropriate offset. This ensures that each iteration retrieves a subset of the data:

Rows 1 to 1000
Rows 1001 to 2000
Rows 2001 to 3000
Rows 3001 to 3335

  1. Loop on the Rows and Apply Action:

After querying the data in each iteration, loop through the rows and perform the necessary actions.


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