2024-01 Instagram Social Upgrade to Graph API v18
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2024-01 Instagram Social Upgrade to Graph API v18

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Article summary


This document details the technical modifications implemented in the upgrade to Graph API Version 18 for Rivery's Instagram Social connector. The changes primarily impact the Reports section, involving the deprecation of certain metrics and introducing new ones.
Effective Date: Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

Changes in Graph API Version 18

Insights Media All Medias Predefined Report

Deprecated Metrics

Story metrics:

  • taps_forward
  • taps_back
  • exits

Carousel album metrics:

  • carousel_album_impression
  • carousel_album_reach
  • carousel_album_engagement
  • carousel_album_saved
  • carousel_album_video_views

New Metrics

Album metrics:

  • total_interactions
  • impressions
  • reach
  • saved
  • video_views

Deprecated fields

  • taps_forward_lifetime
  • taps_back_lifetime
  • exits_lifetime
  • carousel_album_impressions_lifetime
  • carousel_album_reach_lifetime
  • carousel_album_engagement_lifetime
  • engagement_lifetime

New Fields

  • comments_lifetime
  • date
  • end_time
  • permalink
  • username
  • ig_id
  • media_type
  • comments_count
  • owner
  • timestamp
  • caption
  • like_count
  • acc_id
  • media_id
  • likes_lifetime
  • shares_lifetime
  • total_interactions_lifetime
  • navigation_lifetime
  • is_story
  • profile_visits_lifetime

Insights Account Lifetime Predefined Report

Deprecated Metrics

Metrics (Account):

  • audience_gender_age
  • audience_locale
  • audience_country
  • audience_city

Deprecated fields

  • audience_gender_age_lifetime
  • audience_locale_lifetime
  • audience_country_lifetime
  • audience_city_lifetime

Insights Media Image Predefined Report

Deprecated Metrics

Video and Image metrics:

  • engagement

New Metrics

  • total_interactions

Deprecated fields

  • engagement_lifetime

New Fields

  • comments_lifetime
  • date
  • end_time
  • timestamp
  • permalink
  • username
  • comments_count
  • caption
  • media_type
  • owner
  • like_count
  • acc_id
  • media_id
  • likes_lifetime
  • shares_lifetime
  • total_interactions_lifetime
  • follows_lifetime
  • profile_activity_lifetime
  • profile_visits_lifetime

Insights Media Story Predefined Report

Deprecated Metrics

Story metrics:

  • taps_forward
  • taps_back
  • exits

Deprecated fields

  • taps_forward_lifetime
  • taps_back_lifetime
  • exits_lifetime

New Fields

  • navigation_lifetime
  • end_time
  • date
  • permalink
  • timestamp
  • media_type
  • ig_id
  • owner
  • acc_id
  • media_id
  • profile_visits_lifetime
  • is_story
  • username
  • caption
  • shares_lifetime
  • total_interactions_lifetime
  • follows_lifetime
  • profile_activity_lifetime

Insights Media Carousel Predefined Report

Deprecated Metrics

Carousel album metrics:

  • carousel_album_impressions
  • carousel_album_reach
  • carousel_album_engagement
  • carousel_album_saved
  • carousel_album_video_views

New Metrics

Album metrics:

  • total_interactions
  • impressions
  • reach
  • saved
  • video_views

Deprecated fields

  • carousel_album_impressions_lifetime
  • carousel_album_reach_lifetime
  • carousel_album_engagement_lifetime

New Fields

  • total_interactions_lifetime

Insights Media Video Predefined Report

New fields

  • comments_lifetime
  • date
  • end_time
  • timestamp
  • permalink
  • username
  • comments_count
  • caption
  • media_type
  • owner
  • like_count
  • ig_id
  • acc_id
  • media_id
  • likes_lifetime
  • shares_lifetime
  • total_interactions_lifetime

Insights Media Custom Report

Deprecated Metrics

Video and Image metrics:

  • engagement

Album metrics:

  • carousel_album_impressions
  • carousel_album_reach
  • carousel_album_engagement
  • carousel_album_saved
  • carousel_album_video_views

Story metrics:

  • taps_forward
  • taps_back
  • exits

Deprecated fields

Media Fields:

  • video_title

Insights Media Custom Report

Deprecated Metrics


  • audience_gender_age
  • audience_locale
  • audience_country
  • audience_city

Introduction of New Fields, Metrics, and Filters

Instagram categorized the Metrics into two groups: Legacy, which comprises the older ones, and New Metrics. To facilitate the use of both, we have implemented the Metrics Type radio button:


Insights Account Custom Report

Legacy Metrics:

  • Account Metrics

New Metrics:

  • Interactions:

    • impressions
    • reach
    • total_interactions
    • accounts_engaged
    • likes
    • comments
    • saved
    • shares
    • replies
    • follows_and_unfollows
    • profile_links_taps
    • website_clicks
    • profile_views
  • Demographics:

    • engaged_audience_demographics
    • reached_audience_demographics
    • follower_demographics
  • Breakdown:

    • contact_button_type
    • follow_type
    • media_product_type
    • age
    • city
    • country
    • gender
  • Timeframe

  • Results Metric Type

Insights Media Custom Report

Legacy Metrics:

  • Photo and Video metrics

  • Reels metrics:

    • clips_replays_count
    • comments
    • ig_reels_aggregated_all_plays_count
    • ig_reels_avg_watch_time
    • ig_reels_video_view_total_time
    • likes
    • plays
    • reach
    • saved
    • shares total_interactions
  • Story metrics

  • Album metrics

New Metrics:

  • Post metrics:

    • comments
    • follows
    • likes
    • profile_activity
    • profile_visits
    • shares
    • total_interactions
  • Story metrics (Not the same as our current "Story Metrics" in Legacy Metrics Type):

    • follows
    • navigation
    • profile_activity
    • profile_visits
    • shares
    • total_interactions
  • Breakdown

What Actions Should You Take?

If no action is taken, deprecated columns will be retrieved with null values.

To maintain the Target table without these deprecated columns, please remove them from the schema mapping under the 'Schema' tab of your Rivers. Ensure that your configurations are updated accordingly to accommodate the changes introduced by the latest API version.

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