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LinkedIn Ads Predefined Reports
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Predefined Reports
The LinkedIn Ads datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
LinkedIn Ad's one source-level selection is an Accounts filter. Choosing distinct values will filter down each report within the river to only the selected accounts' data.
The Accounts report pulls a list of accounts and their attributes. The user can customize the report by selecting an Accounts Status in the report-level selection.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id | Integer | Dimension |
changeauditstamps | Record | Dimension |
currency | String | Dimension |
name | String | Dimension |
notifiedoncampaignoptimization | Boolean | Dimension |
notifiedoncreativeapproval | Boolean | Dimension |
notifiedoncreativerejection | Boolean | Dimension |
notifiedonendofcampaign | Boolean | Dimension |
reference | String | Dimension |
servingstatuses | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
test | Boolean | Dimension |
type | String | Dimension |
version | Record | Dimension |
The Campaigns report pulls a list of campaigns and their attributes like the ad schedule and budget. The user can customize the report by selecting a Campaigns Status in the report-level selection.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id | Integer | Dimension |
account | String | Dimension |
audienceexpansionenabled | Boolean | Dimension |
campaigngroup | String | Dimension |
changeauditstamps | Record | Dimension |
costtype | String | Dimension |
creativeselection | String | Dimension |
dailybudget | Record | Dimension |
format | String | Dimension |
associatedentity | String | Dimension |
locale | Record | Dimension |
name | String | Dimension |
objectivetype | String | Dimension |
offsitedeliveryenabled | Boolean | Dimension |
offsitepreferences | Record | Dimension |
optimizationtargettype | String | Dimension |
runschedule | Record | Dimension |
servingstatuses | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
storydeliveryenabled | Boolean | Dimension |
targetingcriteria | Record | Dimension |
test | Boolean | Dimension |
totalbudget | Record | Dimension |
type | String | Dimension |
unitcost | Record | Dimension |
version | Record | Dimension |
Campaign Groups
The Campaign Groups report pulls data at the Campaign group level to provide advertisers a way to see status, budget, and performance across multiple related campaigns. The user can customize the report by selecting a Campaigns Status in the report-level selection.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id | Integer | Dimension |
account | String | Dimension |
allowedcampaigntypes | String | Dimension |
backfilled | Boolean | Dimension |
changeauditstamps | Record | Dimension |
name | String | Dimension |
runschedule | Record | Dimension |
servingstatuses | String | Dimension |
status | String | Dimension |
test | Boolean | Dimension |
totalbudget | Record | Dimension |
Creatives Shares
The Creatives Shares report pulls all the information for visually rendering an ad and its attributes. The user can customize the report by using the Campaign or Creatives filter to cut down the output.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
id | String | Dimension |
activity | String | Dimension |
content_contententities_entity | String | Dimension |
content_contententities_entitylocation | String | Dimension |
content_contententities_title | String | Dimension |
content_description | String | Dimension |
content_sharemediacategory | String | Dimension |
content_title | String | Dimension |
created | Record | Dimension |
edited | Boolean | Dimension |
content_contententities_description | String | Dimension |
lastmodified | Record | Dimension |
owner | String | Dimension |
text | Record | Dimension |
Ad Statistics
The Ad Statistics report provides key insights on performance such as clicks, impressions, and ad spend, and demographics information pivoted by account and campaign. The user can customize the report by using the Campaign or Creatives filter to cut down the output. They can also customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
pivotValue | String | Dimension |
start_date | String | Dimension |
actionClicks | Integer | Metric |
cardClicks | Integer | Metric |
cardImpressions | Integer | Metric |
clicks | Integer | Metric |
commentLikes | Integer | Metric |
comments | Integer | Metric |
companyPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
conversionValueInLocalCurrency | String | Dimension |
costInLocalCurrency | String | Dimension |
costInUsd | String | Dimension |
end_date | String | Dimension |
externalWebsiteConversions | Integer | Metric |
externalWebsitePostClickConversions | Integer | Metric |
externalWebsitePostViewConversions | Integer | Metric |
follows | Integer | Metric |
fullScreenPlays | Integer | Metric |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
landingPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares | Integer | Metric |
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks | Integer | Metric |
likes | Integer | Metric |
oneClickLeadFormOpens | Integer | Metric |
oneClickLeads | Integer | Metric |
opens | Integer | Metric |
otherEngagements | Integer | Metric |
approximateUniqueImpressions | Integer | Metric |
pivotValues | String | Dimension |
reactions | Integer | Metric |
sends | Integer | Metric |
shares | Integer | Metric |
adUnitClicks | Integer | Metric |
textUrlClicks | Integer | Metric |
totalEngagements | Integer | Metric |
videoCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoFirstQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoMidpointCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoStarts | Integer | Metric |
videoThirdQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoViews | Integer | Metric |
viralCardClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralCardImpressions | Integer | Metric |
viralClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralCommentLikes | Integer | Metric |
viralComments | Integer | Metric |
viralCompanyPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsiteConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralFollows | Integer | Metric |
viralFullScreenPlays | Integer | Metric |
viralImpressions | Integer | Metric |
viralLandingPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralLikes | Integer | Metric |
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens | Integer | Metric |
viralOneClickLeads | Integer | Metric |
viralOtherEngagements | Integer | Metric |
viralReactions | Integer | Metric |
viralShares | Integer | Metric |
viralTotalEngagements | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoMidpointCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoStarts | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoViews | Integer | Metric |
Ad Analytics
The Ad Analytics report provides key insights on performance such as clicks, impressions, and ad spend, and demographics information. The user can customize the report by using the Campaign or Creatives filter to cut down the output. They can also customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
pivotValue | String | Dimension |
start_date | String | Dimension |
actionClicks | Integer | Metric |
cardClicks | Integer | Metric |
cardImpressions | Integer | Metric |
clicks | Integer | Metric |
commentLikes | Integer | Metric |
comments | Integer | Metric |
companyPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
conversionValueInLocalCurrency | String | Dimension |
costInLocalCurrency | String | Dimension |
costInUsd | String | Dimension |
end_date | String | Dimension |
externalWebsiteConversions | Integer | Metric |
externalWebsitePostClickConversions | Integer | Metric |
externalWebsitePostViewConversions | Integer | Metric |
follows | Integer | Metric |
fullScreenPlays | Integer | Metric |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
landingPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
leadGenerationMailContactInfoShares | Integer | Metric |
leadGenerationMailInterestedClicks | Integer | Metric |
likes | Integer | Metric |
oneClickLeadFormOpens | Integer | Metric |
oneClickLeads | Integer | Metric |
opens | Integer | Metric |
otherEngagements | Integer | Metric |
approximateUniqueImpressions | Integer | Metric |
pivotValues | String | Dimension |
reactions | Integer | Metric |
sends | Integer | Metric |
shares | Integer | Metric |
adUnitClicks | Integer | Metric |
textUrlClicks | Integer | Metric |
totalEngagements | Integer | Metric |
videoCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoFirstQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoMidpointCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoStarts | Integer | Metric |
videoThirdQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
videoViews | Integer | Metric |
viralCardClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralCardImpressions | Integer | Metric |
viralClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralCommentLikes | Integer | Metric |
viralComments | Integer | Metric |
viralCompanyPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsiteConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsitePostClickConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralExternalWebsitePostViewConversions | Integer | Metric |
viralFollows | Integer | Metric |
viralFullScreenPlays | Integer | Metric |
viralImpressions | Integer | Metric |
viralLandingPageClicks | Integer | Metric |
viralLikes | Integer | Metric |
viralOneClickLeadFormOpens | Integer | Metric |
viralOneClickLeads | Integer | Metric |
viralOtherEngagements | Integer | Metric |
viralReactions | Integer | Metric |
viralShares | Integer | Metric |
viralTotalEngagements | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoFirstQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoMidpointCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoStarts | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoThirdQuartileCompletions | Integer | Metric |
viralVideoViews | Integer | Metric |