March 2024 Release Notes
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March 2024 Release Notes

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What's New? 🚀


  • Coupa is a cloud-based spend management platform that empowers organizations to effectively control their expenses and invoicing processes. This integration allows users to seamlessly extract and load data from Coupa into various cloud-based targets, enhancing data management and operational efficiency.

  • SAP Concur is a travel and expense management platform that enables businesses to simplify and automate their expense reporting, invoice processing, and travel booking procedures. This integration allows users to easily transfer data from SAP Concur to various cloud-based destinations, thereby improving efficiency and data handling capabilities.

These new integrations are currently available in private preview. Contact us to gain access within your account.


Provisioning and Managing Users and Teams

Introducing enhanced user and team management capabilities with SCIM automation, allowing organizations to automate user provisioning and deprovisioning directly from their Microsoft Entra ID.
This update focuses on centralizing user management, shifting towards team management for streamlined operations. Users can now configure teams once, promoting efficiency and reducing errors, while also adhering to enterprise security standards.
Experience improved user onboarding, cost efficiency, and minimized errors with this latest release.

This new feature is currently available in private preview. Contact us to gain access within your account.


Sources Updates

  • We’ve implemented comprehensive improvements to our SQL Server Source, bringing enhancements in terms of efficiency and scalability.
    Key highlights include:

    • Improved Efficiency: We have fine-tuned multiple aspects of our SQL Server database to optimize query performance for more efficient interactions with your data.
    • Scalability Enhancements: Major adjustments have been made to our SQL Server configuration to ensure seamless scalability as your data requirements expand.

    Please Note:
    These Improvements have been implemented across all Rivery regions.

  • The "Hard Delete" functionality is now accessible for SQL Server Change Tracking when using Databricks as a Target (previously available for Snowflake as a Target). This feature enables users to manage deleted rows more effectively within their data pipelines. When "Include Deleted Rows" is enabled in the table settings, the River will capture all changes from the change tracking table, including deletions. An additional "__deleted" column is included to indicate whether a row was deleted from the source table.

    Furthermore, with "Remove Deleted Rows" activated in the table settings, Rivery will automatically delete rows marked as deleted ("__deleted = True") and exclude them from the Databricks target table. This ensures that the target table accurately reflects the current state of the source data.


  • We are introducing gradual performance upgrades for utilizing S3 as a Source. These enhancements include parallel downloading and uploading of files from S3 rather than sequential operations. Users can expect substantial improvements, particularly when managing a large quantity of hefty files that previously caused timeouts and memory problems.
    Please note that this enhancement will be rolled out over the next few weeks.

  • Mongo usability enhancements include the ability to configure mapping sample size and order in Mongo Rivers. This option, found in table settings, offers flexibility and facilitates recovery in situations involving mapping gaps due to default sampling. By default, the mapping samples 100 documents, with a maximum supported sample size of 10,000. Users can opt to sample either the last or first records. Note that modifying the mapping configuration necessitates reloading the mapping for changes to take effect.

  • Facebook has deprecated Insights metrics. As a result, the deprecated fields will now return null values when retrieved.

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