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Article summary


MariaDB stands as a powerful open-source relational database management system (RDBMS). This document acts as your guide for seamlessly integrating MariaDB with Rivery, which in turn enhances your abilities in data management and decision-making.

Throughout this guide, we will delve into essential integration concepts and offer comprehensive, step-by-step instructions. By the end of this document, you will possess the expertise and tools necessary to leverage the synergies between MariaDB and Rivery, ultimately boosting your organization's data efficiency and gaining valuable insights.

MariaDB Compatiblity of Versions

River ModesVersions SupportedSupport for Managing Schema Drift
Multi-Tables (Standard Extraction)Versions 10.0 and AboveYes
Multi-Tables (System Versioning)Versions 10.0 and AboveYes
Custom QueryVersions 10.0 and AboveYes

Table of Contents for MariaDB

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