Microsoft SQL Server
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Microsoft SQL Server

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Article summary


SQL Server is a relational database management system created by Microsoft. Serving as a database server, it functions as software designed primarily to store and retrieve data upon request from various software applications.
Microsoft offers a diverse array of Microsoft SQL Server editions, tailored to different user bases and suitable for a wide spectrum of workloads, spanning from small single-machine applications to substantial, internet-facing applications accommodating numerous simultaneous users.

This document is your comprehensive guide to integrating Microsoft SQL Server and Rivery. Using this you'll streamline data integration, automate workflows, and unlock data potential.

Microsoft SQL Server Compatiblity of Versions

River ModesVersions SupportedSupport for Managing Schema Drift
Standard ExtractionAll VersionsYes
Change Data Capture (CDC)Versions 9.6 and AboveYes
Change TrackingVersions 9.6 and AboveYes
Custom QueryAll VersionsYes

Table of Contents for Microsoft SQL Server