2024-01 Monday API Upgrade v2024-01
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2024-01 Monday API Upgrade v2024-01

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Article summary


Starting January 15, 2024, the monday.com API will cease supporting version 2023-07. To maintain seamless functionality, Rivery has enhanced the integration to the current supported version, 2024-01, which includes a sub-upgrade to version 2023-10. The update will be implemented on January 8th, 2024, ensuring compatibility with downstream processes in your Rivers ahead of the official Monday.com API version upgrade.

Modifications to Columns Within the Existing Reports

Boards Report


  • Owner.id and Owner.name fields are deprecated.
  • Columns.Pos field and pos column are deprecated.

New Fields

  • owners{id} and owners{name} (board owners)
  • creator{id} and creator{name} (board creator)
  • item_terminology (board nickname)
  • type (board object type)
  • updated_at (last update time)

Items Report


Column.Values.Title field is deprecated.

New Fields

  • assets{created_at} (asset creation date)
  • assets{file_extension} (asset file extension)
  • assets{file_size} (asset file size)
  • assets{id} (asset ID)
  • assets{name} (asset name)
  • assets{original_geometry} (asset original geometry)
  • assets{public_url} (asset public URL)
  • assets{uploaded_by{id name}} (asset uploader)
  • assets{url} (asset URL)
  • assets{url_thumbnail} (asset thumbnail URL)
  • parent_item{id} (parent item ID)
  • parent_item{name} (parent item name)
  • relative_link (item relative path)
  • subitems{id} and subitems{name} (item subitems)
  • subscribers{id} and subscribers{name} (item subscribers)
  • updates{id} and updates{updated_at} (item updates)
  • column_values{column{title}} (column title)

Teams Report

New Field

users{id} and users{name} (team users)

Users Report

New Fields

  • current_language (user language)
  • is_verified (user email verification status)
  • last_activity (last user activity date)
  • out_of_office details (status, notifications, start/end date, type)
  • sign_up_product_kind (user signup product)
  • teams{id} and teams{name} (user teams)

What Actions Should You Take?

To guarantee a seamless transition to the new API, you have several options:

1. Refresh the Mapping or Create a New River (recommended)

  • This is the recommended option for optimal compatibility with the updated API.
  • Create a new River or clear and re-run the mapping process on the day of the integration upgrade.
  • Treat existing Boards and Items DWH tables as historical data and load the data to new tables with the same name.

2. Keep the Original Mapping Structure

  • Possible but may result in data loss.
  • Deprecated columns will be filled with null values after the upgrade.
  • Highly recommend backing up data before choosing this option.

3. Add Newly Added Fields

  • Preserve the existing mapping structure while adding new fields to your target table.
  • On the day of the upgrade, click on the “Auto Mapping” button, and newly added fields will be automatically added to your existing mapping structure.

Please Note:
Because of the structure and constraints of the Record datatype, clients who write data to Google BigQuery and Redshift need to execute the "Refresh the Mapping or Create a New River" option to make sure that changes will take effect as intended.

Additional Information

  • The Monday Kit will be aligned to all changes mentioned above.
  • For additional information on the Monday.com API updgrade, refer to the Migration Guide.

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