NetSuite APIs Overview
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NetSuite APIs Overview

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Article summary

As of November 8, 2021, new users are only able to use the (Netsuite Analytics) data source. Existing users can continue to access the (Netsuite) data source, but it is no longer being updated and support will end soon. All customers are encouraged to switch to More information can be found in the "New Accounts and Access to the Connect Data Source" document.

NetSuite is a cloud-based business software suite, with features such as accounting, ERP, CRM, and eCommerce.

We support 4 NetSuite APIs in our system:

NetSuite ( - SuiteAnalytics connect service allows you to use a third-party tool or a custom-built application to archive, analyze, and report on NetSuite data.

NetSuite Analytics - SuiteAnalytics connect service ( provides real-time Saved Searches, Reporting, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Dashboard and Workbook features that are built into the NetSuite solution.

NetSuite Reporting - SuiteTalk Service gives you the ability to construct NetSuite business objects in any programming language or platform that supports the SOAP standard, such as Java or Microsoft.NET.

NetSuite RESTlets - SuiteScript service is a JavaScript-based NetSuite platform that allows for total customization and automation of business processes. Scripts that are performed at pre-defined events can access and modify fundamental business records and user information using the SuiteScript APIs.

Differences Between NetSuite APIs

Free NetSuite Service?Still Being Updated by NetSuite?
NetSuite (

NetSuite provides ODBC, JDBC, and ADO.NET drivers that you can download, install, and use to connect to the Connect Service if your firm chooses to use it. The SuiteAnalytics Connect Service allows you to get NetSuite data in a read-only mode. The Connect Service can't be used to update NetSuite data.

This is closer to a true DB migration rather than pulling different API entities.
NetSuite Analytics ( Analytics is a premium option from NetSuite that gives businesses the power of built-in real-time dashboards, reporting, and analysis – all linked right into their ERP, CRM, or eCommerce solution.
It's a new version of the NetSuite connector that's faster, more powerful, and more up-to-date.
NetSuite ReportingA complete error-handling architecture that makes use of error and warning codes, as well as some of the built-in SOAP features.

Customization is fully supported, including highly typed custom fields with automatic field type validation.

Netsuite RESTlets
Scripts that are executed at pre-defined events can access and manipulate fundamental business records and user information using theRESTlets API.
Field Changes, Form Submissions, Before Read, Before Write, and Web Queries are just a few examples. They can also be set to run at scheduled intervals.
The run time for saved queries that need to be accessed individually is 5 minutes.

When it comes to schemas, the names are as follows:

For a list of the variations between the schemas, see NetSuite Documentation.


Click the sections below for details on how to connect to our supported Netsuite APIs:


NetSuite Analytics

NetSuite Reporting

NetSuite RESTlets

Please Note:

WSDL (Web Services Description Language) version for Netsuite is 2019_2_0

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