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Apple SearchAds Predefined Reports
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Predefined Reports
The Apple Ads datasource in Rivery comes with the below predefined reports. Each report will have a short description of the data, a list of customizable fields (if any), and the schema mapping. Due to the standardized nature of these reports, there are a number of locked fields that will only be accessible through the custom reporting functionality.
Source-Level Selections
Apple Ads has two source-level selections: Accounts and Campaigns. These options will filter down each report within the river to only the selected data.
Campaigns Country Code
The Campaigns Country Code report pulls campaign dimensions and metrics aggregated over the country code field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryCode | String | Dimension |
adChannelType | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
billingEvent | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
campaignStatus | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
countriesOrRegions | String | Dimension |
app_appName | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
dailyBudget_amount | String | Dimension |
dailyBudget_currency | String | Dimension |
app_adamId | Integer | Metric |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
displayStatus | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
servingStateReasons | String | Dimension |
servingStatus | String | Dimension |
storefront | String | Dimension |
supplySources | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
totalBudget_amount | String | Dimension |
totalBudget_currency | String | Dimension |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Campaigns Country Region
The Campaigns Country Code report pulls campaign dimensions and metrics aggregated over the country region field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryOrRegion | String | Dimension |
countriesOrRegions | String | Dimension |
adChannelType | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
billingEvent | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
campaignStatus | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
app_appName | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
dailyBudget_amount | String | Dimension |
dailyBudget_currency | String | Dimension |
app_adamId | Integer | Metric |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
displayStatus | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
servingStateReasons | String | Dimension |
servingStatus | String | Dimension |
storefront | String | Dimension |
supplySources | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
totalBudget_amount | String | Dimension |
totalBudget_currency | String | Dimension |
ttr | Float | Metric |
The Keyword report pulls dimensions and metrics for targeted keywords in the campaigns. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
keywordId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
adGroupDeleted | Boolean | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax_amount | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax_currency | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin_amount | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
installs | Integer | Metric |
keyword | String | Dimension |
keywordDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
keywordStatus | String | Dimension |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
matchType | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Keywords Country Region
The Keyword Country Region report pulls dimensions and metrics for targeted keywords in the campaigns aggregated over the country region field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
keywordId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryOrRegion | String | Dimension |
adGroupDeleted | Boolean | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax_amount | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMax_currency | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin_amount | String | Dimension |
bidRecommendation_bidMin_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
installs | Integer | Metric |
keyword | String | Dimension |
keywordDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
keywordStatus | String | Dimension |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
matchType | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
storefront | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Search Terms
The Search Terms report pulls dimensions and metrics for the search terms in the campaigns. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
searchTermText | String | Dimension |
keywordId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
adGroupDeleted | Boolean | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
keyword | String | Dimension |
keywordDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
matchType | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
searchTermSource | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Search Terms Country Region
The Search Terms Country Region report pulls dimensions and metrics for the search terms in the campaigns aggregated over the country region field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
searchTermText | String | Dimension |
keywordId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryOrRegion | String | Dimension |
adGroupDeleted | Boolean | Dimension |
bidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
bidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
keyword | String | Dimension |
keywordDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
matchType | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
searchTermSource | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
storefront | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Adgroups Country Code
The Adgroups Country Code report pulls ad group level dimensions and metrics aggregated over the country code field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryCode | String | Dimension |
adGroupDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
adGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
automatedKeywordsOptIn | Boolean | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
adGroupServingStatus | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
adGroupServingStateReasons | String | Dimension |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
cpaGoal | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
defaultBidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
defaultBidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
endTime | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
pricingModel | String | Dimension |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
startTime | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Adgroups Country Region
The Adgroups Country Region report pulls ad group level dimensions and metrics aggregated over the country region field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
countryOrRegion | String | Dimension |
adGroupDisplayStatus | String | Dimension |
adGroupStatus | String | Dimension |
automatedKeywordsOptIn | Boolean | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPM_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Metric |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
adGroupServingStatus | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
adGroupServingStateReasons | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
cpaGoal | String | Dimension |
cpaGoal_amount | String | Dimension |
cpaGoal_currency | String | Dimension |
adGroupName | String | Dimension |
defaultBidAmount_amount | String | Dimension |
defaultBidAmount_currency | String | Dimension |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
endTime | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
pricingModel | String | Dimension |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
startTime | String | Dimension |
storefront | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Creative Sets
The Creative Sets report pulls dimensions and metrics for the creatives in the campaigns. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
creativeSetId | Integer | Dimension |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
adFormat | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
creationTime | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
creativeSetLanguageDisplayName | String | Dimension |
creativeSetName | String | Dimension |
adGroupCreativeSetId | Integer | Metric |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
displayStatus | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
status | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |
Creative Sets Country Region
The Creative Sets Country Region report pulls dimensions and metrics for the creatives in the campaigns aggregated over the country region field. The user can only customize the type of incremental load associated with this report.
Field | Data Type | Dimension/Metric |
campaignGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
date | String | Dimension |
adGroupId | Integer | Dimension |
adFormat | String | Dimension |
creativeSetId | Integer | Dimension |
countryOrRegion | String | Dimension |
campaignId | Integer | Dimension |
creativeSetLanguageDisplayName | String | Dimension |
campaignGroupName | String | Dimension |
avgCPT_currency | String | Dimension |
campaignName | String | Dimension |
conversionRate | Float | Metric |
conversionsLATOff | Integer | Metric |
conversionsLATOn | Integer | Metric |
conversionsNewDownloads | Integer | Metric |
conversionsRedownloads | Integer | Metric |
avgCPT_amount | String | Dimension |
coversions | Integer | Metric |
creationTime | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_currency | String | Dimension |
avgCPA_amount | String | Dimension |
creativeSetName | String | Dimension |
adGroupCreativeSetId | Integer | Metric |
deleted | Boolean | Dimension |
displayStatus | String | Dimension |
impressions | Integer | Metric |
insights | String | Dimension |
installs | Integer | Metric |
latOffInstalls | Integer | Metric |
latOnInstalls | Integer | Metric |
localSpend_amount | String | Dimension |
localSpend_currency | String | Dimension |
modificationTime | String | Dimension |
newDownloads | Integer | Metric |
orgId | Integer | Metric |
redownloads | Integer | Metric |
status | String | Dimension |
storefront | String | Dimension |
taps | Integer | Metric |
ttr | Float | Metric |