OAuth2 Reconnection
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OAuth2 Reconnection

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Article summary

Below, you will find instructions on how to reconnect to an existing connection in Rivery for providers whom require Oauth2 such as as: LinkedIn, Snapchat, Google, Facebook, etc'.

  1. On the left side pane, click on the connections tab and search for the connection you would like to alter.
    Alternatively you can find the connection you want to alter in the source section of a specific river.

  2. Ensure pop-ups are not blocked for Rivery in your browser toolbar.

  3. Click on edit.

  4. Click on remove.

  5. Click on sign in with <provider> (e.g. Google, Facebook etc').

  6. Follow the flow presented by the provider in the pop up window and grant permission to Rivery.

  7. If needed, click on advanced and then go to Rivery.

  8. Save the connection.

  9. Run test connection and see if it passes successfully.

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