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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-ACTIVATE-201 indicates a failure to connect to the specified source connection in Rivery's platform when using the activate_river data connector. This error typically suggests issues with the validity or configuration of the connection parameters.
    • Initial Diagnosis: This could be due to incorrect credentials, unavailable network access, or misconfigured settings in the connection setup.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials: Ensure that all connection details such as API keys, client secrets, usernames, and passwords are correctly entered.
    • Test Connection: Use the 'Test Connection' feature within Rivery to verify that the connection settings are correct and can successfully connect to the source.
    • Check Permissions: Confirm that the user associated with the credentials has the necessary permissions within the source system.
    • Review Network Access: Make sure that your network configuration allows outbound connections to the source's endpoint.
    • Re-authenticate Connection: Sometimes, re-authenticating the connection by removing and adding it again can resolve issues if tokens, passwords, or keys have expired or changed.
    • Consult Source Specific Documentation: Check the documentation specific to the source you're connecting to for any additional steps or common troubleshooting advice.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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