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Issue Summary:

The error message "Failed to get OAUTH access token. Error Code: RVR-ADB-102" while using the Adobe Analytics data connector in Rivery suggests an authentication failure when trying to acquire an OAuth token for connecting to Adobe Analytics. This error typically indicates a problem with the OAuth credentials or configuration settings.

Action Steps:

  1. Verify OAuth Credentials:

    • Ensure that the Client ID and Client Secret provided in the Rivery Adobe Analytics connection setup are correct. These need to match exactly with what was configured in the Adobe Developer Console.
  2. Check Redirect URIs:

    • Confirm that the Redirect URI being used matches the one registered with Adobe Analytics. Any mismatch in the URI can cause OAuth token retrieval failures.
  3. Review Adobe Analytics Account Permissions:

    • Make sure that the account used for the OAuth process has the necessary permissions to access Adobe Analytics data. Check for any restrictions on API access in the Adobe Analytics console.
  4. Confirm Token Expiry and Revocation:

    • OAuth tokens have a lifespan after which they expire and require renewal. If a token is revoked for any reason, it must be regenerated. Make sure you are not using an expired or revoked token.
  5. Check Network/Firewall Settings:

    • Ensure that there are no network restrictions or firewall settings blocking the OAuth communication between Rivery and Adobe Analytics.

External References:

For detailed guidance on setting up OAuth connections with Adobe Analytics in Rivery, you can refer to the official Rivery Documentation and the Adobe I/O Console for managing applications and generating OAuth credentials.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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