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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-ADB-103 when using the Adobe Analytics data connector on Rivery indicates a failure to obtain a JWT access token. This often occurs due to improper setup or configuration issues in the JWT token generation process. It may stem from incorrect credentials or incorrect integration settings in Adobe's developer console, which are necessary for generating the token.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Adobe Console Setup:

      1. Ensure that you have created a Service Account Integration in the Adobe Console.
      2. Check that all required details such as Organization ID, Technical Account ID, Company ID, Client ID, and Client Secret are correctly entered in Rivery.
      3. Make sure the Public Key certificate has been correctly uploaded to Adobe Console and the Private Key is provided in your Rivery connection setup.
    • Check Key Pair and Token Details:

      1. Confirm that the JWT setup includes a correctly formatted RSA private key.
      2. Ensure that the private/public key pair is correctly generated and stored.
      3. Re-upload the public certificate if necessary and verify it against the keys being used to generate JWTs.
    • Review Configuration:

      1. Revisit the integration configuration and permissions in Adobe. Ensure all scopes and access rights are correctly set as required by your API use case.
    • Test Connection:

      1. Once all configurations are double-checked, attempt to save and test the connection in Rivery again.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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