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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You are experiencing an error with the code RVR-ADBADS-006 while attempting to retrieve the accounts list from Adobe Ads using Rivery. This error typically suggests an issue with the Adobe Ads connection setup or API authentication, which hinders the account data retrieval process.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Adobe Ads Connection: Ensure that your Adobe Ads connection in Rivery is set up correctly. Double-check the User ID and API Secret to make sure they are entered accurately. Instructions on setting up the connection can be found in the Rivery Adobe Ads Documentation.
    • Check API Credentials: Make sure that your Adobe Ads API credentials (User Id and API Secret) are still valid and have the necessary permissions to access the accounts data. You might need to re-generate the API credentials if they have expired or permissions have changed.
    • Test Connection: Use the Test Connection feature in Rivery to verify that the connection to Adobe Ads is operational. This will help you confirm if the issue is with the connection setup or elsewhere.
    • Review API Limits: Check if there are any limitations or restrictions enforced by Adobe Ads on the API usage which might be affecting the account retrieval.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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