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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • You encountered an error when trying to connect to the Anaplan API using Rivery, with the error code RVR-ANA-101. This error typically indicates that there is an issue with the credentials being used for the connection, meaning they are either incorrect or not properly configured.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Credentials:
      • Ensure that the username and password entered in the Rivery connection setup are correct.
      • Double-check the Workspace ID and Model ID values, which can be acquired by logging into Anaplan and navigating to the "About" section.
    • Test Connection:
      • In Rivery, after entering the credentials, there's an option to test the connection. Use this functionality to check if the error persists.
    • Review API Permissions:
      • Make sure the user whose credentials are being used has the necessary permissions to access the Anaplan API.
    • Whitelist Rivery IPs:
      • Ensure that Rivery's IP addresses are whitelisted on the Anaplan side to avoid any connection timeouts or blocks.
  3. External References:

    • For detailed information on setting up an Anaplan connection in Rivery, you can refer to the official Rivery documentation on Anaplan Connection.
    • For information about Anaplan API credentials, visit Anaplan Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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