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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-ANA-200 with the description "Task changed status" relates to the Anaplan data connector within Rivery. This typically indicates that the state of a task has unexpectedly transitioned to a different status during its execution. This might be due to an interruption in connectivity, a misconfiguration, or an underlying issue with the Anaplan integration setup.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify Anaplan Connection: Ensure that your connection to Anaplan is properly configured and active. Confirm the credentials and settings match those expected by Anaplan.
    • Check Task Status in Anaplan: Log into Anaplan and check the status of the task that Rivery attempted to execute. Look for any errors or warnings in Anaplan's interface.
    • Review Task Configuration: Ensure that the task configuration in Rivery aligns with the operations you intend to perform on Anaplan. There should be no discrepancies in expected input/output data.
    • Check Logs: Examine the logs in Rivery for any additional error messages that might provide more context about the status change.
    • Retry Execution: If the above checks do not reveal any issues, attempt to rerun the task after ensuring all configurations are correct.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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