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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message "Anaplan _download_report_and_write_to_file failed Error Code: RVR-ANA-202" indicates that there was a failure during the process of downloading a report and writing it to a file using the Anaplan data connector within Rivery.
    • The error code RVR-ANA-202 suggests a specific problem related to the Anaplan integration, potentially involving connectivity or configuration issues.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Anaplan Credentials:
      • Ensure that the credentials (username, password, workspace ID, and model ID) used to connect to Anaplan are correct and have the necessary permissions.
    • Test the Connection:
      • Navigate to the Anaplan connection configuration within Rivery and use the "Test connection" feature to verify that the connection is properly established.
    • Review Rivery Logs:
      • Examine the logs associated with the River execution to gather more details about what might have failed during the report downloading process.
    • Network and Firewall Setup:
      • Verify that the network settings and firewall rules allow communication between Rivery and Anaplan. This includes confirming any IP whitelisting that might be necessary.
    • Configuration Review:
      • Double-check any configuration settings specific to the report being downloaded. Ensure that all report details and parameters are correctly set in the Rivery interface.
    • Update and Re-run:
      • Make any necessary updates to the connection details or River configuration and try running the River again.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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