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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error message "Got not supported file format" with Error Code RVR-ANA-203 is associated with the Anaplan Data Connector in Rivery. This suggests that the file format being used is not one that Rivery's Anaplan connector supports. The Rivery platform expects the data to be structured in a specific format and if the data format doesn't align with expectations, this error is raised. Commonly, the connector might expect data in specific formats like JSON arrays or others commonly used in data integration workflows.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Verify File Format: Ensure that the file format you are attempting to use with the Anaplan connector is supported by Rivery. Check the file for proper formatting, such as correct delimiters, structure, and schema.
    • Consult Anaplan Documentation: Verify against Anaplan's specifications for supported file formats and configurations to ensure compatibility with Rivery.
    • File Transformation: If the file format is indeed unsupported, consider transforming your data into a compatible format such as a CSV, JSON array, or another standard data format compatible with Anaplan and Rivery.
    • Test File Upload: After converting or verifying the file format, attempt to re-upload and check if the issue persists.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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