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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error code RVR-APPSFLYER-104 with the description "Response: please wait 90sec for next retry" typically indicates a rate limiting issue from the AppsFlyer API. This is likely caused by exceeding the permitted number of requests within a specified timeframe. AppsFlyer imposes restrictions to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage across clients.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Wait and Retry: As suggested by the error message, you should wait for 90 seconds before attempting to resend your request. This ensures compliance with AppsFlyer's rate limits.
    • Optimize Data Pulling: Review your data retrieval strategy. Consider using pagination or reducing the data scope by requesting smaller data chunks if available. This will help manage API limits more effectively.
    • Check API Limits: Confirm your AppsFlyer API fetch limits. Refer to the AppsFlyer API documentation to understand the specific limitations and guidelines on request frequency and size.
    • Enhance Efficiency: If you are frequently encountering these limits, consider whether the requested data can be batched or scheduled during off-peak hours to avoid the rate limit errors.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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