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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • The error "Request is missing end date" with Error Code: RVR-APPSFLYER-204 occurs in the context of using the AppsFlyer data connector in Rivery. This error indicates that the request to retrieve data is missing an end date, which is necessary to specify the range of data retrieval. To successfully fetch data, Rivery requires either a specified end date or configuration settings that correctly interpret or handle the absence of one.
    • The Rivery documentation outlines that although leaving the end date empty is acceptable for pulling data up to the current time of the river's run, these configurations might vary based on specific settings and API requirements.
  2. Action Steps:

    • Review and ensure that the configuration for the AppsFlyer connector in your Rivery platform includes a valid end date if necessary. If your intention is to run the report up to the current point in time, verify that the configuration allows for this by leaving the end date field empty.
    • Navigate through your river settings in Rivery and identify if there are any mistakenly set parameters that could be misinterpreting the time settings. Correct them if such entries are found.
    • If using features like "Last Days Back For Each Run" or predefined dates, ensure these settings align with what the API call expects. Check to see if these settings are causing the absence of an explicit end date.
    • Validate the AppsFlyer API settings and ensure they sync with Rivery's date period settings to avoid such missing information errors.
  3. External References:

    • Visit the Rivery documentation for detailed instructions on configuring and troubleshooting date settings in connectors: Rivery Documentation.

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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