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Article summary

  1. Issue Summary

    • Error Code: RVR-APS-102
    • Data Connector: appstore_apps
    • Error Description: Report unavailable

    This error indicates that the requested report from the appstore_apps data connector is currently unavailable. This might occur if the report or data source is temporarily inaccessible or not configured correctly in Rivery.

  2. Action Steps:

    • Check Connection Settings: Ensure that the connection to the App Store's data source is active and correctly set up. Verify the credentials, API tokens, and permissions. You need to have an Apple ID and the correct sales role on App Store Connect.
    • Check Report Availability: Confirm that the specific report you are trying to access exists and is available on AppStore Connect - Sales and Trends. It might be temporarily unavailable if there are network issues or maintenance at the data source end.
    • Review Access Token: Ensure that the access token used for connecting to the App Store Connect is valid and has not expired. Generate a new token if necessary.
    • Check Rivery Platform Logs: Review the logs on Rivery for any additional error messages that might indicate the cause of the report's unavailability. This can provide insight if there are troubleshooting details to be analyzed.
  3. External References:

If the issue persists or you need further assistance, please open a ticket with Rivery support.

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